Tweets for 2020-08-07
August 8, 2020
- RT @cowreth: How not to launch a concurrent service to @KeybaseIO after it's been acquired by @zoom_us ?
- RT @tstrickx: Just received the most brazen spam I've had in a while from the co-founder of @cyph: Grabbed my email from my public key on K… ->
- Anyway I got an email like the last two restarts, so someone's getting reported to the ICO ->
- RT @wogoat: Yakko Warner sings the nations you can currently travel to from the US without restrictions. ->
- @ErisLovesMovies YES THIS in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ssxio @Namecheap @Porkbun Going to bear @porkbun in mind for my next renewals, partly because I have not been to t… in reply to ssxio ->
- @grrlinterrupted totally misread that as jousting and was like "jousting seems like a reasonable socially distanced combat form" in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @JamesHunt OH I have a maths friend who really got into this and maybe they ended up with conoid? in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @GriffLightning: Absolutely love to see agencies, studios, and the like announce that due to health risks their offices will stay close… ->
Tweets for 2020-08-06