Tweets for 2020-08-09
August 10, 2020
- @ErisLovesMovies Same, I really like this one in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @rosieatlarge: A thing I will never understand is how British people, who do not have the constitution to withstand temperatures above 2… ->
- @teh_nos The Wastelands in reply to teh_nos ->
- RT @CanadaAviatrix: Do I have to walk around wielding a bat'letlh before some people will learn how far away two metres is? ->
- RT @suspiriadam: netflix doing a long thread about the wachowskis and trans readings of the matrix just a couple of years after cancelling… ->
- @grrlinterrupted lol with our houses that are great for keeping the heat in 😀 in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- RT @StephanieYeboah: Enough is ENOUGH. ->
Tweets for 2020-08-08