
Tweets for 2020-09-05

  • @snacky pls do not do their thing. may I recommend the Hannibal method of dealing with rude people? The recipes in the book look great in reply to snacky ->
  • RT @MingyuLin: This does to Singapore what most Vietnam war films did to Vietnam – relegate a country who suffered through a horrific war i… ->
  • @HSouthwellFE whoever it is that's uploaded the pictures has also commented on the Claire Williams page so like…… in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
  • RT @saladinahmed: I had to research gardening stuff and I know the internet has broken me because all I could think looking at this was 'ta… ->
  • RT @NelllyRose: Paddington 1 – “let’s do the classic ‘dad who doesn’t want a dog but ends up loving the dog’ but with a bear”… ->
  • RT @hausedave: Here’s a link to a cover I did of “Coma Girl” to celebrate @JoeStrummer’s birthday. If you dig it, go to Joe’s YouTube page… ->
  • RT @stereogum: John Cage fans celebrate chord change in 639-year-long performance ->
  • Yessssssss. It is far easier to just bleach my entire skull than to just do the ends of my hair when I cannot see w… ->

half-girl, half-robot