Tweets for 2020-10-05
October 6, 2020
- RT @MaxCRoser: In the UK the number of cases rose rapidly.
But the public – and authorities – are only learning this now because these case… -> - RT @meemalee: … they just invented some women for their team – perfectly normal behaviour 🥴 ->
- This is 4-year-old me staring at the Bishop that blessed my Granddad's cooker. ->
- I think the Bishop was suppose to be visiting my Nanna, but got sidetracked and ended up admiring Granddad's new co… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- My Dad was a nurse at a psychiatric hospital not far from where this Bishop lived – one night he was helping a pati… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- "what was that you wanted again?" and this patient who never spoke said again "get a priest"
So my Dad was like "o… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- But my Dad, like me, was Fairly Catholic and he knew that the Bishop lived nearby and like, he's a priest like any… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- So the Bishop came straight over and sat and chatted with the guy and whatever and then went back home.
Later that… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- Also, I enjoyed how before he passed away himself he left instructions for my parish priest at the time to take car… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @Alawston Would that really work? I can't imagine any film that would induce me to go there :/ in reply to Alawston ->
- RT @antony_de_fault: Games friends plz share:
💷We're looking for a BAME sensitivity consultant / game writer / similar in the immediate fu… ->
- @Alawston Can't imagine anyone wanting to remove their mask and infect (or think they'll get infected by) others, e… in reply to Alawston ->
- @Alawston (I do wonder if that they were the only ones there were because of the films or if like, no one wants to… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @Alawston yeah, if you keep moaning at a place to get a film, you could at least buy a ticket even if you don't act… in reply to Alawston ->
- RT @Okwonga: I don’t know how people in the UK stand this. I really don’t. ->
- @adjaruli Yaaayyyyyyy money in exchange for work! in reply to adjaruli ->
- @hauntologies I wonder about how immortal fertility works out, like I guess you eventually stop having periods and… in reply to hauntologies ->
- @hauntologies I should probably watch Old Guard at some point, rather than just enjoying the gif sets and art on th… in reply to hauntologies ->
- @hauntologies american imperialism/racism and like the delights of capitalism are the villain in SO MANY things set… in reply to hauntologies ->
- RT @ofarry: Western countries’ COVID-19 approach is like a restaurant that decides to reopen before a rat infestation is stamped out becaus… ->
- @hauntologies ugh yeah and I'll watch stuff like CSI and constantly I'm like I realise the police are terrible and… in reply to hauntologies ->
- augh I think I actually want to read the Pope's latest encyclical but the Vatican website looks like trash and I do… ->
Tweets for 2020-10-04