Tweets for 2020-11-28
November 29, 2020
- RT @Oobahs: Tried my new mask argument with a taxi driver. Wasn't wearing one & was angry about mine. 'I like the anonymity,' I said. ‘We’r… ->
- RT @NorwichCastle: These incredible glass biological models of a squid and an octopus cross the boundary where art and science meet. Made… ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Other than only decorating the side of the tree you're going to see (which I feel like you would a… in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Hmm. You got enough lights? You could go lights only this year in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @renay Is doing a bingo card to go with it too trivial? in reply to renay ->
- @hauntologies If it helps, my mum doesn't appear to have gotten shorter? She still juuussst a bit taller than me. in reply to hauntologies ->
- @renay Is there a regional cute animal that you can put pictures of next to the really important points for help signpost them for people? in reply to renay ->
- @renay 😀 "which agenda item was next to the 24th feral hog (correct answers win uhhh the satisfaction of being right)? in reply to renay ->
- RT @ArtBrovera: it goes like this the fourth the fifth
the whiskey drink
the lager drink
the baffled king composing Chumbawumba -> - RT @AnnaSulan: I was getting frustrated, and emotionally bogged down with something that was taking over my mind. So this is a brain dump,… ->
Tweets for 2020-11-26