Tweets for 2021-03-21
March 22, 2021
- RT @NeolithicSheep: FORBIDDEN MARBLE. ->
- RT @simaenaga_bot: ->
- @teh_nos o m g in reply to teh_nos ->
- @Pinboard I did because I've been using Pinboard for 10 years already but…I also got a permanent LJ account back… in reply to Pinboard ->
- Today I mostly have the sense that lava is wrong ->
- "A javelin is merely a spear that you let go of" ->
- RT @TechnicallyRon: Anti-lockdown protesters are weird because no one wants lockdowns, it's just loads of people sacrificed a year of their… ->
- RT @niblick_iii: You don't have to have grown up in the 70s for the connection to be there. I grew up in the 90s and this is my baseline as… ->
- Anyway, we have decided that my Mum will wait till all of the Falcon & Winter Soldier episodes are available before… ->
- RT @PeteMayFM: As someone living in the UK I’ve always been curious. What are we missing out on with Girl Scout Cookies ->
- And probably before she starts watching, I might have to summarise Winter Soldier for her and tell her the relevant… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @tambourine: since it’s world poetry day apparently, a reminder that you can download and even buy PDFs of my poetry zines here and help… ->
- I should turn off the Netflix subtitles on Parts Unknown because when they're wrong they're kind of offensively wrong and yet here I am ->
Tweets for 2021-03-20