Tweets for 2022-01-13
January 14, 2022
- @JoWood04 @zephyrflora Haha well it's a town not far from Birmingham and is on the train line from my town to the c… in reply to JoWood04 ->
- @JoWood04 @zephyrflora I feel like this is an appropriately convoluted Jack Nicholls kind of response. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @zephyrflora @JoWood04 I should point out that there is also a train directly to Birmingham from where I live… I… in reply to zephyrflora ->
- RT @RAFMUSEUM: The @RAFMUSEUM is offering a fully funded #PhD in collaboration with @UoBrisHistory @exeterclio on the topic of 'Women in th… ->
- @HSouthwellFE hard same in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @serpent_sky Not sure if it's explicitly of my volition because my Mum books the holidays, and I just… go along a… in reply to serpent_sky ->
- @serpent_sky But yeah, I don't opt out I guess. The thing about cruises though is that even before the pandemic, yo… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
Tweets for 2022-01-12