Tweets for 2012-10-27
October 28, 2012
- Or, in fact, both. ->
- @AnthonySteele Is it just coincidence that your last 2 @'s have links to youtube or have you been hacked? in reply to AnthonySteele ->
- @AnthonySteele Hehe sometimes I wonder if I am too suspicious. in reply to AnthonySteele ->
- @canada_bear Massive oversight? in reply to canada_bear ->
- @Hedgeypig Time travel! in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont is an awesome film. My grandparents were far more awesome than her though ->
- @canada_bear Not often, why? in reply to canada_bear ->
- @canada_bear Cool. I'll check it out after Merlin 😀 in reply to canada_bear ->
- I don't understand why Ricky from Eastenders doesn't have a proper proton pack to do the chachacha in. ->
- My mum, on the other hand, has seen the dance and noted that she needs more shortshorts ->
- Mum: "Is blackberry an iPhone?" Me: "No. They're 2 different smartphones." Mum: "And they're both Apple?" Me: "…no." ->
- @canada_bear My TV says someone called R-Truth is on. Although whenever I switch over from NCIS, it's music not presenters in reply to canada_bear ->
- @canada_bear Hehe then only ever switching over when it was music was lucky then! in reply to canada_bear ->
- @eruvadhril Does "Raspberry Ketone" = hacked? in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @thefrogprincess Does "Raspberry Ketone" = hacked? in reply to thefrogprincess ->
- @eljuno Does "Raspberry Ketone" = hacked? in reply to eljuno ->
- @Jook Go to Co-op. My local one has a whole shelf full of it in reply to Jook ->
Tweets for 2012-10-26