Tweets for 2013-02-28
March 1, 2013
- @auntyel There's no neighbours forum? in reply to auntyel ->
- …have just had to explain the whole compare the market/meerkat thing to my mum. :/ ->
- @wanderlustlover @thisisyourfault Fic rec: Eve of Destruction by sunflowerbright – Robin Hood (BBC 2006) ->
- @wanderlustlover @thisisyourfault There was an AWESOME explosion of Guy/Marians in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @danielguntrip Whatever he used on that thing he did about clubbing in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @danielguntrip You're missing out. in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @sallycow I get that sometimes now that my hair is growing out a bit. Herbal shampoo with tea tree oil in usually sorts it out in reply to sallycow ->
- @grrlinterrupted Just remember he was the kid in About A Boy in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @sebpatrick I would be more envious, but I have a couple of pages of Phonogram on my wall. So. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @EnlightBystand I was NEARLY Drunken Master. NEARLY. in reply to EnlightBystand ->
- @syn Is this the James Franco one? in reply to syn ->
- @grrlinterrupted No matter what I see him in, my reaction is "he's like 12 right?" in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @EnlightBystand I had to down a pint of coke cos I'm tee-total and still came 2nd. 😀 in reply to EnlightBystand ->
- @misslilypotkin "Probably languishing at home with a fatal dose of influenza due to walking home in the rain. What are you doing at Easter?" in reply to misslilypotkin ->
- For those of you freaked out by my dietary habits, my mum is eating an Ovaltine omelette. I mean, really. Omelettes = gross ->
- @misslilypotkin Maybe send that one after you've got your shirt back. Depending on how much you want that shirt back in reply to misslilypotkin ->
- @RonniPudding It's like he's Zac in Saved By The Bell in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @RonniPudding Never seen…. O_O Admittedly, it's kids tv from the early 90s: in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @misslilypotkin Hahaha YES. 😀 in reply to misslilypotkin ->
Tweets for 2013-02-27
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