Tweets for 2013-11-22
November 23, 2013
- @sebpatrick …but fish fingers & custard is actually delicious :/ in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick I do admit that my favourite food is a fruit that has the taste & texture of custard, but smells of rotting meat in reply to sebpatrick ->
- RT @Hello_Tailor: Please reblog this post about Big Bang Press. An original fiction publishing house, aimed at the fanfic community! http:/… ->
- Is there anything more magically delicious than toasted hot cross buns with butter and marmite? ->
- RT @ComicsTitan: 3-Day @comiXology Sale: Get issues #1-3 of It Came by @_Cogs for just 99¢/69p each! RT!… ->
- RT @MarvelUK: RT if you’re watching the #AgentsofSHIELD / #ThorDarkWorld crossover episode on @Channel4 right now! ->
Tweets for 2013-11-21
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