Tweets for 2014-09-12
September 13, 2014
- why is the chocolate & chilli ice cream in such a big box? ->
- @piratemoggy BUCKY NO in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @JamesHunt haha you've just reminded me that I stated reading Simon Sebag Montefiore's book Jerusalem and I've not finished it in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @thefourthvine: A poem for the internet:
Why did I read that thing that I read?
Why did I do that to myself?
Well, at least I didn'… -> - RT @Independent: Grandmas keep accidentally tagging themselves as Grandmaster Flash on Facebook… ->
- @nikki @NadiaKamil Small children in small doses is the best. in reply to nikki ->
- Hahah listening to my mum attempting to explain the earth's magnetism to someone ->
- Ugh feel weird ->
- @kakapojayne I've spent over 90 hours playing Sims 2 in the last 3 weeks. in reply to kakapojayne ->
- RT @SFXmagazine: DVD REVIEW Only Lovers Left Alive: “one of the most endearing portraits of true love ever created for cinema.†… ->
- RT @cleolinda: #gondorneedsnocontext RT @helenshang: He just punched a plate of halibut. ->
- @kakapojayne hehe the problem I've been having that I'll inevitably start playing at midnight & realise it's suddenly 3am in reply to kakapojayne ->
- RT @KloKlo: If we don't put Idris Elba on the new pound coin, what are we even doing here? ->
- RT @finslippy: I Fought The Law, But The Law Was in Liam Neeson's Hands, Which Were Rough as a Longshoreman's Yet Surprisingly Tender ->
- @kakapojayne the only time something like that happened was that one day when I fell into a fanfic hole for 16 hours in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @piratemoggy the rest of that shoot is amazing too in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @budgie woah in reply to budgie ->
- @shanucore YOU LIVE in reply to shanucore ->
- @Hello_Tailor Which one of you is moonlighting as Hawkeye? in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- There is nothing like waiting for virtual rain to show up that you can hear but can't see yet ->
- RT @MrTimDunn: THIS is what is wrong with British architecture right now
- Hahaha WOW USA Today, it's like you KNOW my Dad is dead ->
- RT @RCArmitage: Here is the winner of WNTW Salem1692. ->
- RT @tangerinebean: @RCArmitage Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition…. #TheCrubicle ->
- Aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha omg ->
- In other news, tomorrow I am going to see The Crucible ->
- "the devil's trouser" ->
- @piratemoggy ICED MANGO TEA in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @Hello_Tailor he's read teen wolf baseball AUs in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor well yes. that too. BUT IMAGINE. in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor I kind of want to read a baseball AU of something other than Winter Soldier now, even though I know nothing of baseball in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @ashenkey FIC ->
Tweets for 2014-09-11