Tweets for 2016-07-19
July 20, 2016
- RT @bedouinsndclsh: Waking up….come follow us ->
- RT @ChrisEvans: Before typing this, Twitter asked me in faded gray font, 'What's happening?'. I honestly don't know anymore.… ->
- for most of the year people are like "BUT RACHEL, WHY DO YOU LOVE OVERCAST COLD WEATHER?" WELL NOW YOU KNOW ->
- In other news, being too warm is making me sleep too much. WORST ->
- otoh everyone at work is finding it too hot to sleep and I'm over here like…uhhhhh ->
- Basically, I stole everyone else's ability to sleep in hot weather and I am hoarding it like a sleep dragon. Soz ->
Tweets for 2016-07-18