Tweets for 2016-12-11
December 12, 2016
- @JamesHunt mmm it *is* cold rain tho. Kuala Lumpur has warm rain in reply to JamesHunt ->
- I will watch anything that Keanu Reeves is in because he is forever a delight ->
- The only way that Keanu Reeves could be better would be if he had done an episode of Murder She Wrote. Or Columbo. Or Miss Marple. ->
- @ErisLovesMovies this is one of my favourite Dolph Lundgren facts in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies u know Lundgren's character in Expendables? WOT IF he is Jake Jensen's Dad? WOT IF? in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies basically all u need to know is their characters have the same surname and are kind of blonde in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies my mum really loves all the Expendables films, so I don't know how much of a rec for them that is in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Statham is a delight. Mum's finishing Velvet first, but I believe I have convinced her about Rome in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @diggingthegrave: Me at the start of 2016 vs me at the end of 2016. ->
Tweets for 2016-12-10