Tweets for 2017-04-01
April 2, 2017
- RT @JarettSays: Favorite #Wondercon2017 costume: the lady just dressed as #DrStrange's cape ->
- RT @CountVonCount: One thousand two hundred thirty! ->
- RT @FizzVsTheWorld: Marvel crying about how "diversity doesn't sell!" while gearing up for an event all about Nazis winning WW2 is BEYOND F… ->
- @tambourine that's pretty much all I know about it as a genre – "where to put all the stuff that isn't these other things already" in reply to tambourine ->
- The best thing about the whole Harry Potter thing is seeing all the excited people queuing for the Potter bus at the train station ->
- @grrlinterrupted I <3 you in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
Tweets for 2017-03-31