Tweets for 2017-12-16
December 17, 2017
- RT @PaulMMCooper: In response to Rome's unfortunate decision to revoke the exile of the scoundrel Ovid, I will be doubling the bounty for a… ->
- The number of "k" text messages I send is ridic ->
- RT @BritishMedieval: Lets have a like from anybody who has been here….. ->
- RT @ememess: It's the headline we've all been waiting for. Okay, no, it doesn't have the words "resigns" or "impeached" or "free beer" in i… ->
- RT @CountVonCount: One thousand five hundred twenty one! ->
- I'm looking at the list of new films I saw this year and you know? It's really great ->
- I mean like… I'm moving the items in the list around and I did not expect that Atomic Blonde would be outside of the top ten but it is ->
- And like, I really enjoyed Last Jedi but that's not in the top ten either because I saw so many great great films ->
- John Wick 2 feels like it came out a thousand years ago ->
- Out of the 51 films I watched in the last year, 34 of them were new films that came out here in 2017 ->
- (or were on at LFF at least) in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- (I saw 22 films in October, 21 of them in cinemas over 9 consecutive days) in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @ollymoss WHAT this would have been a delight in reply to ollymoss ->
- RT @LittleLostLad: Two men on my train are laughing at a group of young Star Wars fans because they've dressed up as their favourite charac… ->
- RT @FrancisXRocca: Abuse of Saints’ Relics Presses Vatican to Issue New Rules ->
- RT @nycjayjay: This is just…wrong. On so many levels. ->
- @grrlinterrupted rarrrrrmitage ->
- RT @cfiesler: The paper I've written about learning and fandom is more about computational learning (e.g., I LOVE THIS THING SO MUCH I WILL… ->
Tweets for 2017-12-15