Tweets for 2018-09-11
September 12, 2018
- @RachelWeiszNews If any of your followers have an Amex, there are now some tickets available for The Favourite at… ->
- @nicollecastrog in reply to nicollecastrog ->
- RT @anatsuno: WTFFF ->
- RT @adambanksdotcom: This. This is what the Copyright Directive would multiply. Renowned pianist records music written 300 years ago, in hi… ->
- RT @Sorrowscopes: Taurus: You’re going to die in an all-you-can-eat buffet. Just embrace that. ->
- WHY does the microsoft news app only do notifications about TRASH non-news and not actual important things ->
- how is sally field dishing the dirt on dead burt reynolds "breaking news"? in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @heWIZARD: Don't publish stories about jilted men without talking to the woman. ->
- @HSouthwellFE UGH YES it makes it SO E M P T Y in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- Anyway I went to Mass tonight and it turns out that the priest was on Space Precinct and The Bill among other things ->
Tweets for 2018-09-10