Tweets for 2021-12-19
December 20, 2021
- RT @LiamRSharp: Sadly I'm going to have to completely shut down my entire @DeviantArt gallery as people keep stealing my art and making NFT… ->
- @indiescribe I'm particularly enjoying this one because I've been to Dorset on my hols 😀 in reply to indiescribe ->
- RT @simaenaga_bot: ->
- @teh_nos wooo in reply to teh_nos ->
- RT @DVSblast: back in the day they aint invent children yet so thats why when u see old art where someone got a baby they just draw Socrate… ->
- Yesss @ExtremeELive is on the red button again, truly the greatest way to watch other than on just regular flavour BBC telly ->
- RT @houseoflabrys: Nigella has just called crispy duck skin QUACKLING ->
- RT @GardensBritish: You are in a British garden. You can feel the roll within the posies. There is rising and there is whirring. The cowsli… ->
⚡️ - @HSouthwellFE can you washi-tape the lights in the shape of a tree on a wall? in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @HSouthwellFE How To Be More Gross Than Daniel Ricciardo Challenge 2021 in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @teh_nos pls do this in reply to teh_nos ->
- @teh_nos or your greatest in reply to teh_nos ->
- Once again spending my airmiles on wine i don't drink ->
- although like why dies the wine cost 3 times as much now is this because it's an alcoholic time of year? ->
- @tambourine this reminds me of when they gave us soy sauce instead of oyster sauce to… go with the two other bott… in reply to tambourine ->
- it is wild dipping into my folder of unread email newsletters and reading some from 2018 ->
- @ErisLovesMovies like, things were not great but also obviously there is NOT A HINT of what is happening now in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
Tweets for 2021-12-18