Tweets for 2022-02-18
February 19, 2022
- RT @scattermoon: lol, this is basically just "shipping: do not". ->
- RT @stevewmorris: In addition to everything else, the comixology downgrade is going to mean nobody gets credited apart from an “author” now… ->
- @DrJaninaRamirez This is extremely twirly AND it has pockets in reply to DrJaninaRamirez ->
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Listen to that wind. ->
- @zephyrflora I like how they got it out the way first thing, so we could spend the rest of the day watching planes in reply to zephyrflora ->
- chums, i am on the cheese ->
- @HSouthwellFE IS this a failing though? in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @Mercuryreads ugh same in reply to Mercuryreads ->
Tweets for 2022-02-17