twitter Tweets for 2022-08-21 August 22, 2022 @zephyrflora @FIAFormulaE How many million years is it till we have FE again??? in reply to zephyrflora -> RT @LogoSimian: Not using your real name on the internet is basic internet safety and was the unanimous recommendation up until five minute… -> @formulawah 😭 in reply to formulawah -> @HSouthwellFE do we really know that Pierre isn't some kind of mystical creature that Felix, Sam, JEV and Nick made… in reply to HSouthwellFE -> RT @JasonStealth: Being an audio engineer, this carpet stresses me out 😬 -> herdivineshadow half-girl, half-robot Previous Tweets for 2022-08-19 Newer Tweets for 2022-08-23