Tweets for 2009-12-30
- @danielguntrip …but christmas is until 6th Jan surely? in reply to danielguntrip 12:29:18
- @danielguntrip but then I only have to hold off for a month before it's a Chinese New Year tree… 😀 in reply to danielguntrip 12:39:55
- @silverturnsgrey is it foamy? in reply to silverturnsgrey 12:48:58
- Auntie and Mum kindly "tidied" my room as "the dust is making you cough". Am now missing Gal Civ II, Battle for Middle Earth and… 20:34:06
- …Harry Patch book. Also, somehow inexplicably coughing *more* & starting to lose voice. Maybe I just have a cold? May just re-buy items 20:35:12
- @sebpatrick I need to know more people with Simm avatars. So far I have… me and @mrtonylee and…no one else in reply to sebpatrick 20:44:45
Tweets for 2009-12-28
- The Billy Idol Christmas album gets better and better each time I hear it 10:29:59
- @kung_pAu But there are so many non-meaty things like… tofu in it's various guises, delicious vegetables and things that do not have faces in reply to kung_pAu 10:36:49
- RT @CharlesWBrown: – Probably the best car product I've ever seen. 14:18:08
- @LetItBeBroke You know, @LadyJinx_DF 's tweets make so much more sense now that I'm following you too in reply to LetItBeBroke 22:33:42
- @McKelvie Not only the part where they forgot night happens, but surely the news would be pimping out "special glasses" like for eclipses in reply to McKelvie 22:35:24
- @krazycat And you can watch a certain question-named not a medical professional. in reply to krazycat 22:37:22
- @krazycat but like… omgyaay also? in reply to krazycat 22:51:19
- @krazycat but he has no eyebrows. it generates a kinship with my inner 4 year old in reply to krazycat 23:18:26
Tweets for 2009-12-27
- @cleolinda I had that last month and the first thing I wanted to eat when I was ok with food again was chinese roast pork and rice. in reply to cleolinda 12:21:55
- @kung_pAu It's for when you're being like a secret ninja or something in reply to kung_pAu 12:22:50
- @cleolinda Not everyone, my auntie had a nap about halfway through in reply to cleolinda 12:23:19
- @SuperCricket That doesn't sound like anything more than we already have leaving the UK. in reply to SuperCricket 12:26:00
- @SuperCricket Leaving the rest of Europe to come to the UK, of course, no one cares and I could be carrying a nuclear device or something in reply to SuperCricket 12:26:36
- @AnnLarimer I am a rebel and refuse to use the headphone provided with mp3 playing devices in reply to AnnLarimer 12:27:12
- @ChrissieM someone asked me if I was going to the sales today – I pointed out I do nearly all my shopping online in reply to ChrissieM 12:28:51
- Support #ChangeYourAvatarToTheMaster, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! – 12:42:36
- @cleolinda You write about technology exploding in your presence! in reply to cleolinda 16:44:48
- @danielguntrip put adorable hat on kitten? in reply to danielguntrip 23:48:35
- @mrtonylee waistcoat -> in reply to mrtonylee 00:00:21
- @mrtonylee also a waistcoat -> couldn't find wing collar shirts on though in reply to mrtonylee 00:01:35
- RT @wilw: The Battle of Plennor Fields (aka The Big One At Minas Tirith) recreated entirely in candy.This is wonderful: 00:16:49
- @snacky 1. Because they are really efficient. 2. Really efficiently. in reply to snacky 00:22:01
Tweets for 2009-12-26
- Holmes/Watson = very slashy. Plus Mary probably likes to watch 16:53:10
- Incidentally, my blog tells me I have watched 59 films, either on dvd or at the cinema in the last year. Seems too many and yet too few 16:56:09
- …was Watchmen out only this year? Wow. Time really flies. 16:57:35
- @ChrissieM It has Mark Strong in it! From Rocknrolla and Stardust and lots of films that are good in reply to ChrissieM 20:46:22
- @sebpatrick …it's like a car crash O_o in reply to sebpatrick 22:11:28
Tweets for 2009-12-25
- @wilw I thought he was Senator Popentine myself in reply to wilw 11:17:30
- @ChrissieM I would <3 having the extended family over for Christmas. Today it's just me, my mum and my godmother for lunch. in reply to ChrissieM 11:34:45
- OMG 19:00:45
- @purpill I got a creative zen one (because I gave my mum strict instructions) and it is AWESOMESAUCE in reply to purpill 19:04:27
- @sebpatrick This is the greatest thing ever in reply to sebpatrick 19:06:37
- @sebpatrick Aside from the fact I am seeing AFI in April in reply to sebpatrick 19:06:47
- We had the best roast potatoes ever today, made with lots of delicious delicious LARD. And some extra virgin olive oil for effect. 19:08:20
- @smartmatt We somehow have 4 different kinds of EV Olive oil in our house. And then we have lard. in reply to smartmatt 19:38:33
Tweets for 2009-12-24
- I has a lobster 😀 11:17:58
- @danielguntrip It's enough that they have an ice-cream flavour named for them in reply to danielguntrip 11:23:08
- virgin mojito = epic win 11:51:09
- should probably get started cooking dinner if midnight mass is at 9pm… 17:58:08
- @danielguntrip it is a magical infinite journey to bedford? in reply to danielguntrip 19:26:51
- zomg YAAY HAPPY CHRISTMAS 00:08:49
- @serafinowicz It's all the sherry he's been drinking #PSQA in reply to serafinowicz 00:37:07
- still don't understand why it's my job to make the mulled wine when I don't drink and therefore do not taste it to see if it's "right" 00:41:40
Tweets for 2009-12-23
- @cleolinda ebooks make me so happy and I cannot explain why. in reply to cleolinda 21:31:34
Tweets for 2009-12-22
- RT @christt: Dreadful news for UK live music: 12:18:39
- @tipsybobs it's your christmas present from tumblr? in reply to tipsybobs 20:51:42
- @lithium_flowers but what if you *do* know your lipids?? in reply to lithium_flowers 20:53:50
- @SuperCricket …why was it in there? in reply to SuperCricket 20:55:13
- RT @sesamestreet Cookie Monster: Today me tried cookie dough ice cream. Me never knew me could be so happy. There still tears in me eyes. 20:56:53
- @tipsybobs the tumblr equivalent of coal in your stocking? in reply to tipsybobs 20:59:58
- @understood you NEED this book -> 21:13:35
- hate not having channel 5 on my tv 21:34:43
- I suppose I could use my tv as a glorified cd player… 21:40:26
- @sebpatrick I've only just had the misfortune to hear the x-factor song. I almost didn't notice it was playing, it was that memorable in reply to sebpatrick 21:45:55
Tweets for 2009-12-21
- The Barefoot Executive = Best Film Ever. 10:56:14
- @mrtonylee …you actually attempted to converse with one of them? in reply to mrtonylee 11:03:41
Tweets for 2009-12-20
- @LadyJinx_DF Magic flying CDs? in reply to LadyJinx_DF 18:00:27