Tweets for 2010-01-07
- me too RT @mrtonylee: I think I have a new favourite website. 12:22:55
- @krazycat For a moment I got confused and thought "wait, there's a Twilight plugin?" in reply to krazycat 19:18:49
- Recommend comics to me! No Fables though. That got boring. 19:28:04
- YAY I have tickets for Feeder! 😀 20:56:20
- @krazycat Only on the internets. If I'd heard it IRL, then I would have assumed you meant the thingybob program thinger. in reply to krazycat 21:10:35
- @jamesyuill It's bad, but in a weird enjoyable way. The old 90210 guys in it are probably the highlight. in reply to jamesyuill 21:11:39
- @krazycat The worst bit is that I've even used Eclipse. At least until I got annoyed at how badly it ran on my laptop and went back to Gel. in reply to krazycat 21:12:47
- @purpill BUCK ROGERS. omg in reply to purpill 21:13:13
- @krazycat Couple memory hog with my inefficient programming skillz and you get a sad sad laptop in reply to krazycat 21:17:14
- @krazycat plus, y'know, i was better at all the things that were not actual coding 😀 in reply to krazycat 21:29:10
- @krazycat omg. we should team up and like… FIGHT CRIME. in reply to krazycat 21:36:41