Tweets for 2010-02-04
- @shanucore and the drummer from Blink 182 in reply to shanucore 12:48:36
- @LadyJinx_DF AUGH. I CAN'T. Stupid mtv website in reply to LadyJinx_DF 12:49:01
- @shanucore At least you got Travis. I share my birthday with Edward Cullen. :/ at least Stevie Wonder makes up for it in reply to shanucore 14:09:10
- @shanucore Not even Buckethead? in reply to shanucore 14:45:35
- @ChrissieM ham and Nutella sounds really yummy. Must acquire some of each in reply to ChrissieM 14:46:31
- O_O RT @cinematical: Would You Watch a 'Watchmen' Sequel? Please Say No. 14:47:17
- @kung_pAu I keeping thinking that Avatar is basically Fern Gully crossed with Smurfs in reply to kung_pAu 14:52:35
- @sebpatrick But what would it be about? Dr Manhattan going on holiday? in reply to sebpatrick 14:56:38
- @kung_pAu @krazycat Thinking about it though, I am now wondering about the existence of Dr Manhattan/Dr Manhattan in reply to kung_pAu 14:57:31
- @shanucore I use google reader at home but netvibes at work – netvibes is ok for small lunchtime browsing, but not so much for uberbrowsing in reply to shanucore 17:23:49
- @LOVEFiLM Nightmare Before Christmas! in reply to LOVEFiLM 17:24:33
- @shanucore Maybe, but I don't have the same feeds in both of them so it's not been a problem for me 😀 in reply to shanucore 17:30:14
- Ok, time for the slog into London for Renegades! (aka, Feeder in disguise) 😀 17:30:53
- sense of direction for the win. seems to include places i have never been. 19:13:54
- my phone is now too old for wap. so annoying. 19:25:47
- the lexington is a lot smaller than i was expecting. like smaller than my living room. 19:38:15
- cherry breakwells 20:38:47
- renegades were epic! they even played some old feeder – tangerine, sweet 16 and descend 22:59:20
- @magdalenab Is this different to the netvibes we were already using? in reply to magdalenab 23:58:53
- Either I got taller since I saw Feeder before or Grant Nicholas has shrunk. In other weird news, the drummer looks exactly like my dad did 00:25:55