Tweets for 2010-04-23
- @thehistoryguy You've got carrots in your pockets? On the other hand, goats do make a nice curry… 🙂 in reply to thehistoryguy
- Poxy BNP leaflet arrived today. Since the candidate is "against multiculturalism", he's basically against me personally. Waste of a tree
- @nikki Rootbeer float. in reply to nikki
- Augh. If I can successfully dye the back of my hair 2 colours without being able to see it, does this translate to being able to cut it too?
- The front of my hair is fine. Nothing needs doing to it. It's just getting too warm for the now-annoying bit at the back.
- The most irritating part is that if this was someone else's hair? I'd have no problem at all.
- Though that bit is really obvious
- Why is Hatfield not on the Abbey Flyer line? It would be far more convenient for me.
- Nice Evening + Glassjaw = Awesome
- @mrtonylee My only quandary is trying to remember if I already ordered it or not. :/ in reply to mrtonylee
- @mrtonylee Oh wait. I have. Thanks Amazon for your friendly reminder 😀 in reply to mrtonylee
- @deathboyuk what about the lists thing? in reply to deathboyuk
- .@sebpatrick #warrenellisisbatman and #kierongillenisrobin only if #jamiemckelvieiscatwoman
- @deathboyuk Take it that you're not a nerd like me that just made a list with everyone on it when they first appeared then? in reply to deathboyuk
- @deathboyuk each other? in reply to deathboyuk
- Can't find Gordon Brown/David Cameron slashfic. Fail.
- @feederemotion Yet again this sort of thing is announced while my t-shirt is in the washing machine 🙁 in reply to feederemotion
- @danielguntrip I have that! Somewhere. :/ in reply to danielguntrip