Tweets for 2010-08-17
- @krazycat YAY. PRECUT AND EVERYTHING. Now you see why I asked you about cheesecake in reply to krazycat ->
- @spacepenguintim "In the beginning…" in reply to spacepenguintim ->
- I <3 listening to @xfm at work. All I've got to do now is fix my internet radio at home ->
- @krazycat That's why I got it pre-cut – so you and Mr Pharmacist can keep it in the freezer till you wants it 😀 in reply to krazycat ->
- @smartmatt Considering the amount of death, chopping of bits and general carnage? Surprisingly little actual gore. *That* was disappointing in reply to smartmatt ->
- Gave The Expendables 4 stars out of 5: ->