Tweets for 2010-09-11
- The only downside to watching that piece of cinematic genius though is I ended up still being awake at 3am. Oops ->
- Genius RT @tomscott: The Robin Hood Sandwich Challenge! One toaster, one archer. Of course there's a slo-mo shot. ->
- @grrlinterrupted omg. it has Keanu, Dolph Lundgren AND Ice-T. HOW CAN YOU HAVE MISSED IT? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …might have been ITV3 or something random like that. It was a few channels before whatever The Mentalist was on on our tv in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted I though I may actually own that one, but suspect it's Chain Reaction I've got instead – tubby Keanu rather than skinny Ke in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @sebpatrick @McKelvie And the volume at which a person plays their music on my train home ->
- @grrlinterrupted Maybe we need a Keanu and/or Dolph Lundgren night at some point in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Most unexpected good music rec? @jamesyuill from my auntie when she was telling me who my cousin had gone on tour with ->
- @jamesyuill His name's Paul – tbh I only the vague idea that he does some kind of sound engineer thing in reply to jamesyuill ->
- @grrlinterrupted Chain Reaction, Johnny Mnemonic and Street Kings (which was quality) with Dolph Lundgren in The Punisher as bonus feature in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted It's actually turning into an all day marathon in my brains in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @jamesyuill Getting a bit thin on top and the only other person I knew to have a Ben Folds Five album? That's him! in reply to jamesyuill ->
- …how did I miss that Kylie is on the Hurts album? ->
- Annnd just realised since I'm alone in the house, I can stop listening to @xfm on headphones and just turn the radio up in the other room ->
- @jamesyuill I've never suspected Dick Van Dyke of being a serial killer like I have Jessica Fletcher in reply to jamesyuill ->
- @hannoir I <3 glasses, but I am a tad biased in reply to hannoir ->
- Theoretically I have to be awake in 4 hours. Oops ->
- @krazycat Me too. :/ The lessons aren't quite torture, but I am never more tense than when I'm driving in reply to krazycat ->