Tweets for 2010-11-08
- @AndrewWK Banana pancakes can only be made more party-tastic with the addition of bacon and maple syrup. So delicious. in reply to AndrewWK ->
- @stevexfm aw. you're going to have the best time and we can only live vicariously thru yr adventures. ->
- @smartmatt @gemmaridlington … I'm sure I've even heard him say "to be sure" in reply to smartmatt ->
- @syn Friday night we had a powercut for all of ten minutes – I nearly had a heart attack in reply to syn ->
- @hannoir Sainsburys and M&S do fair trade t-shirts for fairly cheaps… in reply to hannoir ->
- @OllieWride trying to imaging Aidan Turner as a dwarf in the new Hobbit film in reply to OllieWride ->
- @hannoir yeah. I guess the best way to go is to charity shop it and then at least you're making the most of the clothes already out there in reply to hannoir ->
- @hannoir If Spooks wasn't on, I would also be watching @gilescoren on the other channel 🙂 in reply to hannoir ->
- @Miss_Jayney I take it you've seen North & South right? ->
- @smartmatt he's so irish he's green on the cover of his book: in reply to smartmatt ->
- @smartmatt ask her thoughts on leprechauns, father ted and daniel o'donnell – maybe she's got an irish filter installed. in reply to smartmatt ->
- @OllieWride watching Spooks and kind of baffled how Richard Armitage is going to be turned into a dwarf too! in reply to OllieWride ->
- @smartmatt maybe it's a music thing? try playing the floral dance at her to test this hypothesis in reply to smartmatt ->
- @smartmatt no headphones? in reply to smartmatt ->
- just had a thought that would turn the widescreen tv downstairs into… a record player ->
- …much in the same way as the tv in my room got turned into an oversized cd player ->
- @McKelvie HUSH HUSH in reply to McKelvie ->
- ♥ Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen #lastfm: amazon: ->
- @hannoir or anyone with a tumblr before the ask feature was introduced in reply to hannoir ->