Tweets for 2010-11-20
- @marshamusic Weird. I had a similar themed dream last night too. Also too bashful to confess who it was. in reply to marshamusic ->
- @grrlinterrupted did mulder and scully investigate? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @silverturnsgrey As a study of the skeevy members of the male half of the species, it was pretty funny. Plus I was dressed a bit goth. in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @Sammihack Saw him in The Man of Mode – he was ace. ->
- @TheExposed 13 in reply to TheExposed ->
- @eddyTM …no photo for us twitter girls? in reply to eddyTM ->
- @kipoti it happens to us all. just gotta keep listening for a few more years… in reply to kipoti ->
- @eddyTM he does have an attractive silhouette…. in reply to eddyTM ->
- @silverturnsgrey it was pretty win. almost as win as the black pleather trench coat i wear while christmas shopping. no one bothers me in it in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- Keep misreading #transplantsongs as #transplantssongs and wondering why no one suggests "Diamonds and Guns" ->