Tweets for 2010-12-30
- @hannoir it just means i spend the money i don't spend on alcohol on nice food instead in reply to hannoir ->
- @hannoir much like while at uni I used to pop over to the M&S in Harborne after chuch on Sundays to spend my…non-drinking money in reply to hannoir ->
- @understood what's wrong with it? in reply to understood ->
- @newloveletter My mum has been shouting LIARS at the tv and asserting that it's an excuse for the gov to steal our pensions #pessimism in reply to newloveletter ->
- @ConanOBrien He doesn't get bigger all over in proportion. Poor Hulk. in reply to ConanOBrien ->
- @MarkDoesStuff youtube it in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @grrlinterrupted Also I believe Mr Rarrrrrmitage is taller than 6ft in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted also has back dimples. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @understood auuugh. i am lame at that. i had to switch from a static frontpage because i don't think the theme i changed to likes it in reply to understood ->
- @silverturnsgrey any idea what caused it in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @MarkDoesStuff IN FACT. Try this: in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- Got card from @krazycat today! 😀 Made me giggle. Heee ->
- @understood baaah. find alternative plugin wot does same job? in reply to understood ->
- @understood woe 🙁 in reply to understood ->
- @silverturnsgrey @grrlinterrupted Yep! Just give me a time and a place and I will train it up there. Has to be after noon cos of churchin in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @silverturnsgrey blatantly not enough dancing then in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @krazycat Totes doesn't feel like 5 years and yet it does at the same time. YAAAAAAAY FOR BEING HERE in reply to krazycat ->
- @marshamusic I dunno…don't think it's possible for Mr Camfield to be unattractive. in reply to marshamusic ->
- @jfitz84 @marshamusic did that and then realised that the backgrounds are all different shades of white and off white. which irritated me 🙁 in reply to marshamusic ->
- @marshamusic How do you even concentrate at work surrounded by such lovely looking people? in reply to marshamusic ->
Tweets for 2010-12-29
- @grrlinterrupted poison him in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- told my mum before christmas that she was required to have tiny christmas pudding, even if no one else would eat it with her ->
- so far, she has told 4 people on the phone about my amazing pudding cooking and lighting skillz. even if i did use the expensive brandy 😀 ->
- @andydiggle Plus he far far more devilishly attractive. There would have been swooning in the aisles. Perhaps it's safer the way it was in reply to andydiggle ->
- @grrlinterrupted HIGH TO CERTAIN in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @xfm @marshamusic Maximo Park did a version of that Proclaimers song… in reply to xfm ->
- @grrlinterrupted taller than me though? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @syn Has it created skynet? in reply to syn ->
- @grrlinterrupted probably more trouble than it's worth. 😀 How tall a man do you require? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted hm. i know two who are both 6ft3. One is fail at teh interwebs though. And the other is my ex, who fails to be musical. :/ in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted difficult to say – the ex was cute when i was going out with him and then turned…regular. the other was one of my… in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted other housemates from uni and I dunno. looks regular to me? i'm a bit rubbish at this. he's thoughtful and can get things.. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …from tall shelves for me? he's a good driver too and makes a nice cup of tea. heee in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted uxbridge somewhere. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted that is easier said than done. he's like the only person i know to ninja out of photos. though he is an ex-ninja in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- want fish and chips. augh. ->
- also YAY I've acquired 28p from @mflow because my taste in music is AWESOME ->
- RT @tomscott "Poker bots will start beating the Turing test first." – @iandanw on the frankly amazing ->
- @grrlinterrupted what are your thoughts on Richard Armitage ->
- Yet again I start tinkering with my website at midnight and then suddenly realise it's half two in the morning ->
Tweets for 2010-12-28
- Of course, back then, crisp packets were INFINITELY full. ->
- SO. @hannoir and @understood are doing their left wing newspaper and I'm wondering why @grrlinterrupted isn't involved AND THEN I REALISE. ->
- Blatently my friend groups only overlap when I am not expecting it. ->
- @McKelvie And here I was thinking you were tweeting My Chemical Romance in reply to McKelvie ->
- @grrlinterrupted WELL. @understood and @hannoir are awesome brainy people who are awesome and you will like them. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @understood @hannoir And @grrlinterrupted is an awesome and brainy person who is awesome and you will like her. She is also a Rachie. ->
- I am the best at introducing people. 😀 ->
- @MarkDoesStuff omg yay in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @krazycat omg. i…have no idea. something to put my mp3 player in so it don't get scratched in my bag? I has this: in reply to krazycat ->
- A question for you all: Does anyone actually *like* the sponge in trifle? ->
- @SuperCricket Ok. Get yourself over here and finish off this trifle we have to eat today. I've done like… a third and a bit of it already in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @understood I got up at 11am which was a bit fail as I was awake at 7.30am to turn off my internet clock radio in reply to understood ->
- @grrlinterrupted du bist krank? das ist sehr schlecht. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- I want to turn off this google location thing. It's making searches wrong ->
- won't even let me make searches specific to europe rather than just the uk. ->
- @nedhepburn I admit, I did think of you & @johndylanger momentarily. And then went back to looking at pictures of Vincent Cassel & his wife in reply to nedhepburn ->
- I'm A Cuckoo by Belle & Sebastian: TWENTY PENCE. OMG. YAY @mflow ->
- Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club: @mflow ->
- @danielgrosvenor I like the jelly! Just not the sponge 🙁 in reply to danielgrosvenor ->
Tweets for 2010-12-27
- @danielguntrip was one of the others watching The OC? in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @takahirose I already ate lunch but looking at that makes me hungry again. in reply to takahirose ->
- Listened to half of the Gorillaz new album. It's a bit meh. Don't think I'll bother with the rest ->
- @JamesHunt I'm a bit meh about the Gorillaz generally though, so it wasn't looking good for the new "album" before I started! in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @kipoti Not enough Feeder in there though 🙁 in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti Yeah, I always forget that no one really knows the albums before Echo Park in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti what about Sera-gate-owicz? @serafinowicz in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti OMG in reply to kipoti ->
- @danielguntrip Yeah. I should get around to finally settling on which course I want to apply. And like. Fill out the form. in reply to danielguntrip ->
Tweets for 2010-12-26
- kirk & spock & mccoy = always awesome ->
- my mum didn't quite believe me when i said that if i was cooking, it would hit everyone like a ton of bricks and sit there all day. ->
- post-lunch? No one can move. And we've not even had pudding yet. MUAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ->
- RT @jamesmalach: Today I learned that Gary Numan is 13 days older than Gary Oldman – which makes Numan the Oldman and Oldman the Numan. ->
- @silverturnsgrey YES. I am curious about this too in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @danielguntrip HELL NO. Living with my mum is COOL. She brings me tea in the morning 😀 in reply to danielguntrip ->
- augh. may have developed allergic reaction to nivea :/ ->
- @sallycow "tastes of floppy tongue tasting a metal spoon" in reply to sallycow ->
- of course, my mum, the nurse, insists it must be the metal zip on the front of my hoodie that i'm allergic to. despite the fact that the … ->
- …zip doesn't touch my elbows. which is where the nivea goes. and the only place with allergy rash on. ->
- @nedhepburn you're cute and furry? in reply to nedhepburn ->
Tweets for 2010-12-25
- Today we are having Halal Christmas. And to make up for lack of pork, we're having tandoori turkey and curried parsnips. WIN ->
- The Greatest Christmas Song Ever: ->
- @nedhepburn As you should be 😀 in reply to nedhepburn ->
- @danielguntrip The Grinch is on in reply to danielguntrip ->
- Gave Skellig 3.5 stars out of 5: ->
- Gave Requiem for a Dream 3.5 stars out of 5: ->
- @grrlinterrupted you mean you don't? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Why am I watching Aeon Flux again? ->
- @eddyTM even better than just a mince pie, is heating it up a bit in the old microwave and then ADDING OMG ICE CREAM in reply to eddyTM ->
- @sebpatrick OMG TRAILER OMG in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @eddyTM And on Rachel Weisz being awesome in reply to eddyTM ->
- @silverturnsgrey I don't see what's so bad about dubbing the singing. :/ in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
Tweets for 2010-12-24
- @kipoti 5. Could be indicator of other mental illness. 6. time consuming 7. possibly damaging to physical health 8.detrimental to in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti relationships with others 9….. I WILL THINK OF TWO MORE. JUST YOU WAIT in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti I reckon you should go BACK and listen to Ben Folds Five. Because I <3 them when I was 13 in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti NOT AT ALL in reply to kipoti ->
- @grrlinterrupted did you tell them yes? with a slathering of uncontrollable rage? I like reporting that I've eating intangible concepts in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @shanucore did help that by going out &seeing them and Alkaline Trio, I didn't get stuck indoors like the people who failed to see NFG in reply to shanucore ->
- @shanucore MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. in reply to shanucore ->
- Have just now remembered to wrap my presents. oops ->
- Merry Christmas everyone! Admittedly I got back from "midnight" Mass an hour and a quarter ago and we've pretty much done Christmas now… ->
- RT @grrlinterrupted: @herdivineshadow IN COMMUNIST RUSSIA, COMMUNISM EAT YOU. ->
- @marshamusic Got to say you look STUNNING in your pic in the XFM picks of the year thingy on the website. Also, Happy Christmas! ->
- 17hrs and 40 minutes…. ->
- You know what's even more exciting? I still have comics from earlier in the week that I didn't get time to read ->
- @shanucore booze-powered shanu = yay in reply to shanucore ->
- @krazycat YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY in reply to krazycat ->
- @grrlinterrupted Why does that make Santa sound creepy/like a perv watching you sleep? OH WAIT THAT'S EDWARD. #scroogerific in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @shanucore Mountain Dew? in reply to shanucore ->
- @grrlinterrupted Doesn't even need tinsel. He's sparkly on his own. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
Tweets for 2010-12-23
- I had no idea who Chuck Ragan was before I saw him support Gaslight Anthem, which was kind of shameful. At least now… ->
- @KonamiKode I only knew that Hot Water Music did a split with Alkaline Trio. NOTHING ELSE. in reply to KonamiKode ->
- Along with Your Demise and Alkaline Trio, I went to Slam Dunk to see Against Me! and only because @shanucore likes t… ->
- @KonamiKode I'm just going to start at the beginning and work my way through 😀 Name their best song EVER and I'll get it free from mflow in reply to KonamiKode ->
- Does @mflow scrobble? Can't see that it does. Not scrobbling makes me SADFACE ->
- Incidentally, @mflow are doing this thing where you can have 10 free mp3s for tweeting those songs to your followers. If you were wondering. ->
- Lack of scrobbling aside, I do like @mflow. It's handy. Their adverts at the start were weird. Sometimes they give out a quid as they're fab ->
- Hey Joe: Every time I hear this, I expect to hear the vocals from Christina Milian's "Dip It Low". ->
- @KonamiKode There can be only one… in reply to KonamiKode ->
- @KonamiKode bah. @mflow only has 4 of their songs and none of those in reply to KonamiKode ->
- @Monica_Grey he's just telling it like it is @adamcarsonafi in reply to Monica_Grey ->
- Running Up That Hill: I heard another cover of this song that was really cracking but can't remember who it was. :/ ->
- @KonamiKode winnnnnnnnnnn in reply to KonamiKode ->
- While I was growing up, I heard a lot of Shirley Bassey and Tom Jones, and maybe The Carpenters thanks to my mum. An… ->
- @KonamiKode That's the one at the url – but I saw someone else do it. Can't remember who. :/ in reply to KonamiKode ->
- From Russia With Love by Matt Monro: Incidentally, I don't there is a single duff theme song to any James Bond film. ->
- @KonamiKode I can use universal scrobbler for it. 😀 Don't like firefox 🙁 in reply to KonamiKode ->
- The Limit To Your Love by Feist: Can't decide if I like the James Blake cover of this better. @mflow ->
- Christmas Was Better In The 80's: I only have limited experience of an 80s Christmas, so I can't really comment. ->
Tweets for 2010-12-22
- @mrtonylee fish fingers with ketchup in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @mrtonylee who really likes Luncheon meat anyway? in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @mrtonylee LIES. As someone who happily gorges herself on durians, I say luncheon meat is the work of eviiiiil in reply to mrtonylee ->
- have emptied work bag. have found allen key, lighter and alcohol gel. why do I have these things? ->
- I don't smoke, have nothing to use the allen key on and don't remember getting the gel ->
- @silverturnsgrey PFFFT. in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Bruce Springsteen (76), The Twang (41) & AFI (4) ->
- @danocdj Is that the tree at Chez Skeletor? in reply to danocdj ->
- so. lunch today starts with apple crumble & custard then moves on to battered scallops and sausage rolls…. ->
- …can you tell i've been told to eat in order of sell by date? ->
- with only 2 songs left to go, the verdict on the 1st 7 Springsteen albums? they're all awesome. ->
- @krazycat still ok for me to pop by later to drop off pressies? will probably be about 4.30-5ish in reply to krazycat ->
- @danocdj In my top 10 childhood villains Skeletor is only second to Baron Greenback…could have been worse I guess… in reply to danocdj ->
- ♥ Jet Lag (Rock) by Frank Turner #lastfm: amazon: ->
- @krazycat win! ->
- @krazycat even more win! ->
- i fail at knowing where people live ->
- something from a recent feeder album! win. how come new feeder isn't on the radio? ->
- tantrums ->
- @marshamusic trying to stave off a cold? Try drinking limoncello. It's like drinking honey and lemon. Only more alcoholic. in reply to marshamusic ->
Tweets for 2010-12-21
- @kipoti YES. How about the accordian? in reply to kipoti ->
- @grrlinterrupted maybe he like it because Ben Folds mentions it in a song? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted @silverturnsgrey a week ago? DUDE. I got mine at the beginning of November. I already have 3 items in it. without holidays ->
- @silverturnsgrey @grrlinterrupted I just have a rubbish memory and storing all of that kind of info online isn't really an option for me in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @silverturnsgrey got a moleskine one last year that was really good so got another off amazon this year in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @grrlinterrupted TODAY WAS MY LAST DAY FOR A WEEK in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @syn For me it's usually a case of OMGFILMS!GAMES! that keeps me awake until I get to Malaysia. in reply to syn ->