Tweets for 2010-12-10
- @kipoti Baaaaah. Can you grab someone else? in reply to kipoti ->
- @stevexfm How ace is the new Gaslight Anthem? Are you playing it tonight? ->
- @kipoti check your email? or internet banking to see if you have less "available"? in reply to kipoti ->
- @silverturnsgrey that's the only Patrick Swayze film I've watched all the way through in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @smartmatt woot in reply to smartmatt ->
- @kipoti Isn't Sunday sold out anyway at Brixton? in reply to kipoti ->
- @silverturnsgrey …nothing. I couldn't think of anything sufficiently alarming that might get Rachie's adrenaline going in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @kipoti …hmm. @fthc said it was sold out and I reckon I read it somewhere online. in reply to kipoti ->
- @silverturnsgrey not seen that AT ALL. Saw some of Point Break. Some of Ghost. in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @silverturnsgrey but she'll probably see these tweets and guess our trickery :/ in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @silverturnsgrey even with Guinan from Star Trek! I got bored and switched channel. in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @kipoti Fair enough. If it was @AFI , I would be at tad peeved – even though I've seen them 7 times now in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti credit card? in reply to kipoti ->
- @grrlinterrupted YES in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted apparently, @silverturnsgrey says they've done a sex tape. 😀 in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @kipoti so long as it a credit card, it's not really her money you've lost but the card companies. if the charge appears on her statement in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti she can call them up, tell them the transaction didn't go through and they should refund her pretty quick and then go after the in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti ticket site to get their money in reply to kipoti ->
- @silverturnsgrey …the KStew/RPattz tape? in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @grrlinterrupted MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA in reply to grrlinterrupted ->