Tweets for 2010-12-18
- Just realised the CATM tweet was my 4500th tweet. 4'33" is not only bizarrely compelling to listen to but the proceeds go to 5 charities ->
- One of which is the British Tinnitus Association. Would be cracking to find out how tinnitus actually works and some way to sort it out. ->
- Mine is only mild – at best it's a bit annoying sometimes or I'm listening to something that masks it & at worst it keeps me awake at night ->
- So. Go to mflow, redeem that free credit and buy the single. You have… a little under 3 hours for it to count towards the christmas chart ->
- But do it anyway. Because while really, the christmas chart doesn't actually matter giving money for free to charity is ACE ->
- @eddytm took yr recommendation about earplugs & I'm (hopefully) picking em up on Weds in time to see The Twang in the evening. so excited!:D ->
- @grrlinterrupted i don't even know who they are in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted didn't thingy from S Club do that back in the day? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted I'M ON THERE. Guess my username 😀 in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …is this like when people offer you some crisps and say "have one, they taste off"? hehe in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted me toooo in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted does this mean you are now on the way to being a superstar deee jaaaay? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- I know I just dyed my hair black and it looks ace, but I really want blue hair again. Gaaah ->
- So. This #scd tag. It's not for Shopping Cart Disco is it? ->
- @newloveletter Man, I kind of want to read G/M fic now. in reply to newloveletter ->
- @xfm @marshamusic Is it from exactly 25 seconds in? in reply to xfm ->
- @grrlinterrupted Don't think I've heard ANY of these songs. heee in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @wilw in reply to wilw ->
- Spotify just alleged that James Blunt had an "exciting" new album out. O_o ->
- Feels like there should have been an announcement that @nedhepburn had entered the country-that's what I get for ditching tumblr for a month ->