Tweets for 2011-01-10
- Far in the distant past when myth and history merge to form mystery…why yes, I AM watching Hercules In New York #HercInNY ->
- aka Arnie's first movie role IIRC #HercInNY ->
- Acting? What's that? #HercInNY ->
- Zeus & Venus both appear in this. Yes. That's right. One Greek and One Roman god. #HercInNY ->
- This is so bad. #HercInNY ->
- But so funny. At least the super minor characters are funny. #HercInNY ->
- …Juno is in this too. As the wife of Zeus. #HercInNY ->
- Herc is girly punching everyone and knocking them out. omg #HercInNY ->
- I'm not surprised that Arnie's voice was dubbed in the original version of this. Was he cast just from a photo? #HercInNY ->
- Arnie really does run like a small child in this doesn't he? #HercInNY ->
- Best thing? His answer to being told he can't do something: "I am Hercules" #HercInNY ->
- Where did he get the suit at such short notice and with no money? #HercInNY ->
- There is actually a man in a bear suit. A BEAR SUIT. #HercInNY ->
- "he is simple and a bit childish". HELL YES. #HercInNY ->
- @syn Try and get hold of Hercules in New York. It will make you feel better in reply to syn ->
- Pluto is a total pimp #HercInNY ->
- @McKelvie She was ace supporting Interpol in reply to McKelvie ->
- @grrlinterrupted I think he gives evil a bad name in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @McKelvie Perhaps – I saw her at Brixton Academy, and while she was ace she would have been better in a more intimate venue in reply to McKelvie ->
- @silverturnsgrey HELL YES. Had a last viewing before I send it off to a friend of mine in reply to silverturnsgrey ->