Tweets for 2011-02-06
- @mrtonylee HELL YES. #SFXWeekender in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @grrlinterrupted i want it to be the first one because there are two others in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @ChrissieM Have you got any dioralyte? in reply to ChrissieM ->
- @krazycat What what what? Angel? What? in reply to krazycat ->
- @krazycat BAH. Like Primeval yesterday. π in reply to krazycat ->
- @krazycat luckily no. i think they already filmed season 5 so at least this finale wasn't so bad in reply to krazycat ->
- @snacky what, like facebook? in reply to snacky ->
- @grrlinterrupted BUT I WANT TO WATCH BEING HUMAN OMG in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted I MIGHT HAVE. AIDAN TURNER IS IN IT. AND IN THE HOBBIT. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Why is the Gerard Butler Loreal advert so bad? ->
- @grrlinterrupted omg. I am a Rachie, live with my mum, am single AND overweight! IT IS LIKE WE ARE THE SAME in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- What's the nerdiest thing you know? Γ’β¬β That is a very difficult question. There are so many nerdy things. I USED toΓ’β¬Β¦ ->
- The people in the other road keep leaving their wheelie bins in the path outside our house. Main problem, other than them completely… ->
- …obstructing the path? My mum keeps moaning about them. Tempted to wheel them off to under the M1 ->
- In more cheerful news, Chain Reaction is on. Win ->
- Keanu Reeves is ACE ->
- Incidentally, if you find your bins are missing in the next month or so? Wasn't me. I'm seeing if the council can just remove them for me ->
- Yeah. I'm that lazy. ->
- Also. If I was less lazy, I would just wheel them round to the front of the owner's house for them. Because I am THAT helpful. Yes. ->
- …why is anyone watching the superbowl when the cinematic masterpiece that is Chain Reaction is on? HMM? HMMMMMM? ->
Tweets for 2011-02-05
- No way can everything going on in tonight's #primeval get resolved in 10 minutes ->
- Augh. Sometimes, I hate when my brain does logic. #primeval ->
- OMG CUTTER AND BASHIR #primeval ->
- zzzzzzomg #primeval ->
- OMG MATT. #primeval ->
- I will hurt someone if there is a cliffhanger involving Connor and Bashir #primeval ->
- @Josie_Milligan have you seen Demons? in reply to Josie_Milligan ->
- OMG EVIL BASHIR #primeval ->
- OMG. So. To summarise, this week's #primeval is one GIANT bag of OMG. With some ZOMG and OMGOMG for flavour ->
- @Quillers He can't because he would have told Matt more about when the anomaly catastrophe would happen and Matt wouldn't be so clueless in reply to Quillers ->
- @understood #primeval is AMAZING in reply to understood ->
- @LauraB_1D Switch over to ITV1 + 1 QUICK in reply to LauraB_1D ->
- @understood OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG in reply to understood ->
- @Josie_Milligan I loved it, but it was so so bad. Phillip Glenister + American accent = abomination in reply to Josie_Milligan ->
- @Quillers But would the shame overcome the need to stop it from ever happening? in reply to Quillers ->
- @understood You should tweet your omgs during the episode in reply to understood ->
- @Quillers I really want to know what's going on with Becker in reply to Quillers ->
- ….how did I miss Sean Bean beating nuns with a chicken? ->
Tweets for 2011-02-04
- @NoelClarke Go to the meeting, explain situation at beginning and say you might get called away? in reply to NoelClarke ->
Tweets for 2011-02-03
- @krazycat It's ALL TRUE!!! π in reply to krazycat ->
- I HAVE THE MOST AMAZING CHINESE NEW YEAR LUCK. Guess who's seeing My Chemical Romance next Thursday? Thanks @stevexfm π ->
- the soya actimel is not as delicious as regular actimel π ->
- @stevexfm hell no. every time you listen to that record and look at the cover? it's gonna make you smile. π in reply to stevexfm ->
- How does this happen? EVERY night, I look at the clock and it's suddenly somehow 1am ->
Tweets for 2011-02-02
- @McKelvie I want to see it. But when it gets show on TV, not at the cinema in reply to McKelvie ->
- My Top Weekly Artist #lastfm artist: I Am Kloot (35) ->
- @femmaashraf because you let down your guard against subliminal germs. rookie error in reply to femmaashraf ->
Tweets for 2011-02-01
- Channel One is gone and I seem to have quiz shows instead of Trek. Massive fail there Sky. MASSIVE FAIL. ->
- @krazycat HELL YES. I don't like the government's crazy plans for the NHS. π in reply to krazycat ->
- @danielguntrip MAIM THEM. in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @danocdj Now it's Vegas. in reply to danocdj ->
- WOOOOOO. @morningparade supporting @FeederHQ when I see them later this month. WIN! ->
- @danocdj Now that the Star Trek Experience is closed think I'd be heading for Gretna Green myself… in reply to danocdj ->
- RT @warrenellis: "Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will not seek re-election, a senior Obama administration official tells CNN." HAHAHAHA ->
Tweets for 2011-01-31
- @stevexfm yr show sounds amaaaaazing this week π in reply to stevexfm ->
- RT @bohaynowell: My diet tip: accept yourself for who you are. No one ever got healthy hating themselves. ->
- @hannoir Did you at least walk to the gym? #fail in reply to hannoir ->
- I <3 Star Trek:Nemesis ->
- @JamesHunt They played that before I saw Gaslight Anthem at the Apollo in reply to JamesHunt ->
- Gave Foolproof 3.5 stars out of 5: ->