Tweets for 2011-05-06
- @IBorlase The most delicious fruit ever!! in reply to IBorlase ->
- Somehow I think I have acquired a mosquito bite on the sole of my foot :/ ->
- I say I think I've got a mosquito bite – I'm still taking antihistamines for my work allergy, so I'm not getting the GIANT allergic lumps… ->
- …that I usually get. It just kind of hurts :/ ->
- @heatherbat I WAS RIGHT WITH THAT TRANSLATION OF BAT in reply to heatherbat ->
- @danocdj It's totally ace 😀 in reply to danocdj ->
- Saw trailer for Green Lantern before The Lost Bladesman last night. Think all of this summer's movie-going will be for films based on comics ->
- LD has lost 2 seats on my local council…because no Lib Dems actually ran. I got to choose between Conservative and Labour. ->
- And I got a grand total of ZERO leaflet about the candidates. Google turned up virtually nothing. So my postal vote went on… ->
- …yep. That's right. People who had names that I liked the sound of. Already disappointed by my local council. 🙁 ->