Tweets for 2011-06-10
- @JohnDylanger Natalie Portman? in reply to JohnDylanger ->
- @kipoti probably not – @stevexfm was playing it because England Keep My Bones is record of the week in reply to kipoti ->
- @silverturnsgrey I require pictures of you looking not-tall next to them! in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @rachelgeorge I is blocked from @grrlinterrupted 🙁 in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- @rachelgeorge the squeeing about fanfiction is the only good thing about Twilight 😀 in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- @kipoti @stevexfm Me too! in reply to kipoti ->
- @tomscott Health & safety form-filling nightmare? in reply to tomscott ->