Tweets for 2011-07-30
- @smartmatt That's not sad, it's efficient! in reply to smartmatt ->
- @NathanFillion Or that you're in England ->
- @nikki …he thinks he has a chance with @oliviawilde? in reply to nikki ->
- @danocdj @xfm How about some Interpol this afternoon? ->
- mmm dim sum ->
- the neighbours a few doors over seen to be having a party. unfortunately, their taste in loud music is subpar ->
- who even really *enjoys* this so-called "urban" music? ->
- @syn I could be The Corinthian with those! in reply to syn ->
- @damianjohnson i'm too polite to subject the neighbourhood to loud punk music in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @kipoti oh god i have no idea, not near internet. ->
- @smartmatt unless you're pronouncing it the portuguese way in reply to smartmatt ->
- @kipoti OH WAIT. I get what you were talking about now. I thought maybe @fthc had announced that he'd be going to yours to play some songs in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti and yeah, it is. Only because Steve is on the radio, it's DAMNED hard to find pictures/video of him to put on there ->
Tweets for 2011-07-29
- captain america! so excited! ->
- @madefromcorpses omg it was amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing ->
- Captain America was ACES. Also, the trailer for the Avengers movie? omg ->
- @grrlinterrupted I only got a third of the way into the first book in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @alittlestranger congratulations! in reply to alittlestranger ->
Tweets for 2011-07-28
- Audio: birdcarcass: ->
- Video: allmix: ->
- @CaptAmericaUK Already got my ticket for tomorrow! in reply to CaptAmericaUK ->
- @kipoti …what did you do? in reply to kipoti ->
- @stevexfm I'm also willing to offer a bribe in return for a ticket for @kipoti… she really is the biggest fan of FT ever. And of Xfm… in reply to stevexfm ->
- @kipoti It's not sad at all. Sending the same draft FIVE BILLION times was how I got to see MCR… in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti TWICE? HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO WIN MY GIRL??? I think the only time I didn't use up all my credit to try and win, I had to answer a q in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti Hehe, it's basic maths – if you add your name more times to the pool, there's more chance it'll get pick out. Text 2moro too! in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti get your friend to text you when it starts too? get your family to text! in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti ALSO, see if the xfm website will allow you to win AND check out the o2 priority twitter to see if they offer them at some point. 😀 in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti INCIDENTALLY. ->
- @ceitfianna That's dead helpful – I have to send an email once a month with a letter attached and half the time I forget to attach it in reply to ceitfianna ->
Tweets for 2011-07-27
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: The Horrors (19), Alkaline Trio (12) & Manic Street Preachers (10) ->
- Listening to The Offspring's Pretty Fly for a White Guy on @xfm. suspect I'll be humming it all day. Damn earworm ->
- @stevexfm just the right number of show plugs – it's handy for remembering to check stuff out on website etc in reply to stevexfm ->
- …and now Jimmy Eat World are on @xfm. Which always reminds me of @abhoria since we stuck Jim with an Antiproduct sticker at Reading ->
- @abhoria There we go. Already had the pic on twitpic in reply to abhoria ->
- Retweeting from ages ago…but there. Right there on Jim Adkins. One Antiproduct sticker. 😀 ->
- @kipoti I was waiting for your name to be announced… and then it wasn't 🙁 in reply to kipoti ->
- @danocdj It freaks me out slightly that I remember Kurt in Hollyoaks and knowing that would have been over 10 years ago in reply to danocdj ->
- @danocdj STOP IIIIIT. Next you'll be coming out with Scott and Charlene from Neighbours. in reply to danocdj ->
- There is an amazing cover of Come As You Are on the radio. omg ->
- Audio: r3d: ->
- @SuperCricket …but Clark Kent IS Superman's costumed identity, isn't he? in reply to SuperCricket ->
- Video: meganrose: ->
- Video: now-in-glorious-technicolor: ->
Tweets for 2011-07-26
- @kipoti did you hear? @stevexfm just announced that @fthc is the next evening with guest ->
- @cleolinda Sure there are. They're the films that Tom Hardy got to first. in reply to cleolinda ->
- @kipoti Ahah. I already know I wouldn't be able to go, cos I've no holiday time left now that I quit my job. in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti maybe I could try to win tickets on your behalf to increase your chances. is that allowed? @stevexfm in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti …and that's only because we know each other on twitter from listening to @stevexfm's show? in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti Should we mention that not only is @stevexfm an excellent radio dj and interviewer…he's very good-looking too? in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti …if they don't get you in to see @fthc, they should at least get me a date with @stevexfm. 😉 in reply to kipoti ->
- @petitmew Me too. Bit of a problem since I need to finish an essay for Friday… in reply to petitmew ->
- @kipoti probably a good thing I'm over here, you're way over the other side of London and both of us aren't anywhere near @stevexfm or @fthc in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti …you know, I think I used up my 7000th tweet in our little dialog about @stevexfm and @fthc ->
- @kipoti SHHH. I can probably get there in half an hour, but we're trying to be less creepy for @fthc. in reply to kipoti ->
- @side_one_dummy How about if my problem is I don't remember if I've already pre-ordered or not because I've been doing a lot of it lately in reply to side_one_dummy ->
Tweets for 2011-07-25
- New blog post: Much Ado About Nothing 23/07/11 ->
- @danocdj And when pushing a broken down car, don't seem to notice they're rolling it over the crest of a hill towards a lamppost… in reply to danocdj ->
- @danocdj …and the best way to cross the road in Rome is to follow a nun, because they won''t run over a religious. 🙂 ->
- @EmmettScanlan Or just, y'know, not wearing white hotpants. in reply to EmmettScanlan ->
- @danocdj Probably for the best 😀 in reply to danocdj ->
- @sebpatrick Hell yes. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @pixiemeat …the only Gimli I know is the dwarf in Lord of the Rings. You can imagine my first thought after reading your tweet in reply to pixiemeat ->
- It's been a while since I last used ebay…but it's still exciting to see people are bidding on stuff I no longer want :D:D:D ->
- @stevexfm @xfm Guess it depends on whether you've built up your caffeine tolerance or not… ->
- @kipoti …really? in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti Let's hope it's not the same one Jon Richardson uses. You trying to lick him would freak him out in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti Awww. in reply to kipoti ->
- @SuperCricket They're actually rastas in reply to SuperCricket ->
Tweets for 2011-07-24
- John Barrowman is doing a show in my hometown. Odd. ->
- @cleolinda I keep seeing adverts for that on the tube. :/ in reply to cleolinda ->
- ♥ IfWhiteAmericaToldTheTruthForOneDayIt'sWorldWouldFallApart by Manic Street Preachers #lastfm: ->
- ♥ Clavicle by Alkaline Trio #lastfm: amazon: ->
- Does anyone else look at birds and think "this creature could do with having arms"? No? Just me, then. ->
- @MarkDoesStuff River is Snake Plissken? in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @JohnDylanger That's kind of adorable. in reply to JohnDylanger ->
Tweets for 2011-07-23
- @abhoria Nope. Not at all. It's hideously frustrating. in reply to abhoria ->
- Going to see Much Ado About Nothing today. Am prepared to explain what's going on to my mum ->
- and my mum is reading from her copy of the daily fail about the queen not liking the headless mannequin that Kate's wedding dress is on ->
- …and the front page headline? About "secret" animal-human hybrids. Which I'm fairly certain I was aware was already happening. ->
- A headline next to an out of context photo of a victim of the attacks in Norway yesterday. :/ fail ->
- In slightly better news, I got free tetley teabags in the post and my @fthc ticket!! ->
- @tonybowenmusic I LOVE that song. Last time I heard it, it was being played before a gig at the Apollo. in reply to tonybowenmusic ->
- @Xfm I had a hard drive die on me with years of collected mash-ups and remixes on 🙁 in reply to Xfm ->
- @SuperCricket the whole human-animal hybrid thing doesn't bother me too much, so long as the cells are killed before they get too far in reply to SuperCricket ->
- ♥ Apple of My Eve by Ed Harcourt #lastfm: ->
- @cleolinda Not enough raptors. in reply to cleolinda ->
- @catharsisjelly She looks like she could do with having better posture. in reply to catharsisjelly ->
- @McKelvie …he was in that one episode of Seaquest right? in reply to McKelvie ->
- RT @queenanthai: Hey. Internet. Give hugs, love and support to my friend @krazycat today. She's a native Norwegian. #ilujo ->
- @tonybowenmusic Me too. Think I was about 12 or 13 when I first heard them on Capital radio of all places… in reply to tonybowenmusic ->
- ♥ Cannibal Girl by Head Automatica #lastfm: amazon: ->
- ♥ This Time Imperfect (Live) by AFI #lastfm: ->
Tweets for 2011-07-22
- @krazycat you can do what i do when i'm desperate – keep some frozen and steam them yourself ->
- @kipoti I was reading that on the train today and thinking "I bet I know who'll have a copy of this…" in reply to kipoti ->
- @newloveletter Is this really a question? OF COURSE YOU MUST SEE IT. in reply to newloveletter ->
- @mrtonylee omg. MacGyver. omgomgomgomgomg. in reply to mrtonylee ->
- I <3 MacGuyver. ->
Tweets for 2011-07-19
- @krazycat Yaaay it arrived! in reply to krazycat ->
- NHS services to be opened up to competition via @guardian ->
- @danielguntrip I am. Psychically. 😀 in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @grrlinterrupted TAKE PICTURES in reply to grrlinterrupted ->