Tweets for 2011-08-30
- @RickInKorea Probably for the best tho 🙂 in reply to RickInKorea ->
- @snacky IT is! But I am already on there in reply to snacky ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I remember them being amaaazing in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @grrlinterrupted Because it's true to canon? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @RoOkin No. Photos without glasses? Yes in reply to RoOkin ->
- @ALEC_EMPIRE Right now? The incredible varieties of cheese you can get here in reply to ALEC_EMPIRE ->
- @cleolinda Because you didn't get the 9 season box set in an incredible deal like I did? in reply to cleolinda ->
- @catharsisjelly I hate that, craving the taste or texture of something in your mouth but knowing you're full in reply to catharsisjelly ->
- @danielguntrip Are they still Wachowski Brothers or are they now just the Wachowski Siblings? in reply to danielguntrip ->
Tweets for 2011-08-29
- Shirley Bassey is always awesome ->
- @syn you remember anything of what the tv show was about? in reply to syn ->
- @neilhimself i like to remember that one by reminding myself they're made of ham, not wicker in reply to neilhimself ->
- @grrlinterrupted so it's basically someone's great-grandma's house that hasn't been redecorated? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @RickInKorea really enjoying the athletics coverage, tho admittedly I keep expecting you to say something funny about a popstar in reply to RickInKorea ->
- @danielguntrip Use @mflow instead of @Spotify ? in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @danielguntrip baah. in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @sebpatrick apparently the top one is not Apple in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @danocdj I thought the colour had gone funny on my ancient telly in reply to danocdj ->
- @danocdj Phew. I can squeeze a few more months out of my 20 year old telly before the digital switchover… in reply to danocdj ->
- All the #greatestgadgets so far are aces ->
- Wait. There are people who aren't paranoid that the electric blanket will electrocute them in their sleep? ->
- …is that Gwaine from Merlin in the electric shaver advert on #greatestgadgets ? ->
- @MarkoSaric Oh, I use that too. I just don't like it as much in reply to MarkoSaric ->
- I want a robot lawnmower ->
- I want @stephenfry's apple peeler ->
- @mrtonylee If I knew where that was, I might suggest @xfm instead. in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @grrlinterrupted Pick the hotel with the name starting from a letter in the first half of the alphabet in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
Tweets for 2011-08-28
- @McKelvie Me too. Admittedly, just looking at the date does that to me as well, but still… in reply to McKelvie ->
- @wanderlustlover doooo ittttt. now that i have only 2 days left of gainful employment, i can see that i'm going to finish my RH one in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @MadeFromCorpses advertising? staff costs? electricity, water, rent, other maintenance costs? coke and booze for the CEO? in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @wanderlustlover um. Robin Hood rewatch? uhhhh in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Not building a swimming pool/vault filled with cash and bathing in it like Scrooge McDuck might? in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @wanderlustlover 😀 my last day at work is Wednesday and after that I'm a student once again and way more time to ease myself back in in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- Wiiiiin. Going to see The Tempest next Saturday. 😀 ->
- @wanderlustlover @InnerBrat Indeed! The only real Robin Hood. Well. At least it has spandex ninjas in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover weeeee. I might peruse my guyxmarian tumblr to get even more in the mood 😀 in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @catharsisjelly wellies are super comfy though. maybe that's why? in reply to catharsisjelly ->
- @InnerBrat @wanderlustlover ITV did have Demons and Primeval. But BBC had Bonekickers. Possibly. in reply to InnerBrat ->
- @wanderlustlover I <3 that there is still so much Guy/Marian love on tumblr for me to reblog in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @InnerBrat @wanderlustlover Aw. BBC all the way then. It was more cracktastic. in reply to InnerBrat ->
- I know I'm a tad obsessive with it, but why doesn't my mum cover open things in the fridge with clingfilm? WHHHHHY? ->
- And if she doesn't do it, where did I get my fastidiousness about it from? ->
- @wanderlustlover Incidentally, have you seen Robin and Marian? It's a film with Sean Connery as Robin. ->
- …why are there fireworks? Is it Eid yet? ->
- @fthc Don't suppose you'd be calling it Billion Dead then? That'd weigh more… 🙂 in reply to fthc ->
- @catharsisjelly Uggs bother me. They look like indoors shoes. :/ in reply to catharsisjelly ->
- omg vanilla custard and bananananananananananana ->
Tweets for 2011-08-27
- @danocdj Did you check out @thekillvankulls ? in reply to danocdj ->
- @RickInKorea Right at the same time as Doctor Who…? Sorry 🙁 in reply to RickInKorea ->
- @grrlinterrupted Do you prefer hairy Chris Evans or shaved Chris Evans? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @syn It's a shade better than forgetting that it's Doctor Who day in reply to syn ->
- zooooomg rootbeer ->
- I <3 spotting actors from LOTR in Bourne films ->
- @grrlinterrupted He's hairy in Fantastic Four!! but I suspect the tattoos are airbrushed in that. Hmm. Losers has a goatee… in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted 😀 ->
- @grrlinterrupted ALSO. I recommend watching London. Many times. ->
- @grrlinterrupted HE WAS IN STREET KINGS. THAT WE WATCHED. THAT HAD KEANU. When you return, Chris Evans movie fest for sho in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @cleolinda There should be wine raptors in reply to cleolinda ->
Tweets for 2011-08-26
- @danielguntrip Sounds like when my RA tried to sell me a £10 ticket for an all you can drink event. Bit pricy for a pint of cola in reply to danielguntrip ->
- Think I sprained my thumb somehow weeeeeks ago. suspect I've aggravated it somewhat today SADFACE ->
- @grrlinterrupted kill them. with a plastic spoon. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @krazycat Hehe. Yeah, I remember it being all "but why?", but at least Christine was less annoying in reply to krazycat ->
Tweets for 2011-08-25
- @kipoti Did you hear @fthc on the @xfm breakfast show this morning? in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti He was totally adorbs. And apparently doing a 2nd secret set at Reading in reply to kipoti ->
- @serafinowicz In the hanging out in the TARDIS sense and having wacky adventures? in reply to serafinowicz ->
- @stevexfm Did your bro get the results he wanted? in reply to stevexfm ->
- @stevexfm ACES. 🙂 in reply to stevexfm ->
- @kipoti Someone somewhere has probably already made a plushie @fthc – in fact, it's prob on etsy but I'm too scared to look in reply to kipoti ->
- @danielguntrip I <3 Pump Up the Volume in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @syn omg omg so excited in reply to syn ->
- @syn Wait. Are you insinuating that they've not been the same person all along anyways? in reply to syn ->
- It is actually impossible to watch Torchwood AND listen to @xfm at the same time. Mostly because my tv is 20 years old and has no remote. ->
- Incidentally. Not looking forward to when analogue signal gets turned off. ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I had to buy some magical device to be able to plug the scart cable from my dvd player into the tv. On the other hand, my.. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses megadrive still plugs in ok. Does it help my radio is a fancypants internet radio? in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I'm also using my ereader. Tho it's a Bookeen Cybook. I do like my tech a tad random . :D:D:D in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- How am I hurtling so quickly towards 7500 tweets? ->
- IT'S MAJOR KIRA. OMG #torchwood ->
- OMG Q is in #Torchwood next week ->
Tweets for 2011-08-24
- omg doctor who trailer ->
- @ctjhill worryingly quickly? in reply to ctjhill ->
- @ryanqnorth @supercricket haha I had that question last week when I tweeted to find out why police were at my trainstation. in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @EnlightBystand YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY in reply to EnlightBystand ->
- @syn he's also, quite clearly, the sexiest sci-fi babe. in reply to syn ->
- @wightriot by that logic, if I dress like a thug then they would get a punch in the face surely? in reply to wightriot ->
- @morningparade ME! V. Excited to finally see you…not supporting Feeder 😀 in reply to morningparade ->
Tweets for 2011-08-23
- @krazycat What date is your performance? in reply to krazycat ->
- @danielguntrip Did you ever watch VR.5? in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @danielguntrip Never watched Earth 2. On the other hand I *do* have Space:Above and Beyond on DVD in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @villainny If you have a Britta water filter, stick the vodka through that a few times and it'll improve the quality. Apparently. in reply to villainny ->
- @danielguntrip I hated that it was on so late. It was always a bit hit and miss as to whether I'd remember to put the right date in the vcr in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @newloveletter That's what I'm doing. I cease employment next week. :/ in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter I would love that. Might have to attempt to marry rich. :/ in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter Heh whereas one of mine is a complete lack of stress mostly in reply to newloveletter ->
- @daveberry_tweet Have you ever seen The Barefoot Executive? If not, you need to. in reply to daveberry_tweet ->
- @newloveletter Yeah, I'm pretty lucky with my lack of stress. Would a medium sized lottery win make you less stressed? in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter Hmm. Brainwashing may be the only alternative then. :/ in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter *squishhug* anxiety disorders are teh suck. 🙁 in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter Completely unrelatedly though – Richard Armitage's birthday. Did you have cake yesterday? in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter I can't believe that he's 40. YAY BIRTHDAY. in reply to newloveletter ->
- @daveberry_tweet Is that what they're calling it these days? in reply to daveberry_tweet ->
- @newloveletter Mine is always juuust before the exams. And now… I want cake. in reply to newloveletter ->
- @krazycat From your course. in reply to krazycat ->
- @krazycat cool in reply to krazycat ->
Tweets for 2011-08-22
- @danocdj Will you be moving to 2-5pm in September on xfm? ->
- @danocdj Yay. And now all I'm left curious about is Friday evenings and where Steve is going! in reply to danocdj ->
- @kipoti I though that too! But Friday evening has a slot and there is the weekend. Or Steve could be sent out to listeners homes and play… in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti music to them and make them a cup of tea to go with it… in reply to kipoti ->
- @danocdj I occasionally get letters addressed to "Richard". All from different places. No idea how that one got so widespread. in reply to danocdj ->
- @JamesHunt But then you end up with my black t-shirt shelf predicament in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @marshamusic Might have an email address for you? in reply to marshamusic ->
- @kipoti But there's nothing about weekends… maybe the Indie, Fun and Football @stevexfm & @RealDysonator bromance-fest will be back… in reply to kipoti ->
- @stephmuji Can you respond by referring to that person as "assface"? in reply to stephmuji ->
- @stevexfm Are you loving the new Marina video as much as I am? It's aces. ->
- @nedhepburn I really want to revisit the Cadbury Chocolate Factory in reply to nedhepburn ->
- Pepsi Virgin Mojito = win. ->
- @alittlestranger WANT PANCAKES. AUGH. in reply to alittlestranger ->
- @alittlestranger Randomly, have there been fried egg Caveys yet? in reply to alittlestranger ->
- @alittlestranger It's even worse knowing that I'm probably only 10 minutes away in my car from PANCAKES. Plus I already ate dinner & am full in reply to alittlestranger ->
- @alittlestranger Only a smidgen. paaaaancakes. Went paste a creperie on Saturday. After dinner. When I was full. Failcake. in reply to alittlestranger ->
- Video: cleaverland: ->
- Audio: nedhepburn: ->
Tweets for 2011-08-21
- win! dim sum two days in a row! ->
- @McKelvie @JamesHunt …and this is why I had to go back to Opera in reply to McKelvie ->
- @syn yeah, my mum gets them where she has no pain, but no one she sees has a nose. in reply to syn ->
- @syn heh yeah, best time I remember it happening? We were in the cinema watching Return of the King. All those orcs, trolls etc… in reply to syn ->
- @syn After about 20 mins of that it got too weird for her and she had to go sit it out in the car in reply to syn ->
- @syn it's hilarious now, but man, that drive home was TERRIFYING. in reply to syn ->
- Audio: obstaclespecialist: ->
- @sebpatrick My grandma had one in her funeral procession in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick She also had a police escort for the funeral cortege. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @syn O_o in reply to syn ->
- @InnerBrat That would be ace. He could sing something from Oklahoma while he did it. in reply to InnerBrat ->