Tweets for 2011-08-01
- @femmaashraf I'm awake too! But then I'm late to bed kind of person… :/ in reply to femmaashraf ->
- Check out my music taste on @lastfm ->
- that last retweet for @kipoti and @silverturnsgrey ->
- @kipoti not sure if you need to be on O2, tweet them and ask? in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti They'll probably do something tomorrow now… in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti set up new twitter account, tie it to your phone, follow O2, have twitter text you all O2's tweets in reply to kipoti ->
- @danielguntrip Not if it's sea bass and salmon… in reply to danielguntrip ->
- The Smurfs! In a film! But in 3D 🙁 ->
- @kipoti THERE IS HILARITY IN THE LATEST FT video on youtube. Namely, Mr FT on the bog ->