Tweets for 2011-08-14
- @McKelvie I read this tweet before the one before and my first thought was "Top Gear slashfic?". Kind of wrong how my brain works in reply to McKelvie ->
- @krazycat Yep, sadly. And it usually comes with a giant dose of denial in reply to krazycat ->
- @Jook sparkly ones in reply to Jook ->
- @silverturnsgrey you only really need eps 4-6 tho… in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- Push is a really really great film. ->
- @Jook I have some like these but in blue in reply to Jook ->
- the lunchtimes spent learning ancient greek for fun at school have finally paid off – read a greek word on wikipedia and realised that… ->
- …it basically said cenotaph. So, cenotaph is greek. 😀 yay for learning new things. ->