Tweets for 2011-11-14
- @nedhepburn I still use my LJ, but every so often I make posts older than 3 years private. No one else needs to see that. 😀 in reply to nedhepburn ->
- @ahlicake There's one scene where he's in bed with a lady…tho they have a carefully arranged sheet in reply to ahlicake ->
- @damianjohnson Some guys in a big van tried that while driving down my road in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @anatsuno 🙁 *hug* in reply to anatsuno ->
- Still haven't finished the cup of tea I made at 10am. On the plus side, I do like cold tea… ->
- In other news, I keep getting jarred out of concentrating on a text about faith and reason by mentions of Kate Winslet and Michael Jackson ->
- @RoOkin Won't you get superhungry later on? in reply to RoOkin ->
- The problem with getting an idea of the definition of a word from its context is when you actually need to know what it means for sure and.. ->
- …having to move away from what you're reading to look it up. Don't understand why I can't plug my brain into the internet still ->
- @Xfm Some Idlewild would be nice 🙂 in reply to Xfm ->
- Yet again reminded why I don't like the way Dawkins argues. ->
- Might be writing about English Civil War in my essay for my course. This time round there will be less of the hilarity with my surname. ->
- @eruvadhril I think you caught it off me over twitter in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @grrlinterrupted Have you seen Jarhead or Tigerland? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->