Tweets for 2012-03-19
- @wanderlustlover It's basically a giant ZOMG O_O_O in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover @laharcourt You have to admit that it makes his professional life a lot easier, even if it screws his personal life… in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover HAL. TOM. ANNIE. EVERYONE. ALSO, omg in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @laharcourt @wanderlustlover Heh. Guy mostly wants to know why the easy way out is always the evil one. in reply to laharcourt ->
- @wanderlustlover @laharcourt That is a bit of an obstacle…:) in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- And now, off out to start the journey to uni. Could do with more hours in the day really. ->
- BBC News – NHS bill: Labour force emergency debate on risk register ->
- @JamesHunt @RellyAB Haha. Sorry about that. I went a bit click happy on Klout in reply to JamesHunt ->
- Why yes, of course it makes sense to make printed material available to collect AFTER lectures have finished. Grr. ->
- @understood Stupid government 🙁 in reply to understood ->
- @understood I'd vote for them especially if they got you in to translate stuff into easy to understand English 😀 in reply to understood ->
- on the plus side, i spotted someone watching being human in the lab ->
Tweets for 2012-03-18
- @wanderlustlover that's probably 'cos i've been going to bed early in yr place in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- So. Instead of chilling with my mum… I have choir practice. ->
- @rebeccasbrain O_o Did servers fall over or something? I just got back from Mother's Day dinner. in reply to rebeccasbrain ->
- @mrtonylee I preferred this one, mostly because I hated the character of Christine in the original. I'll admit that the Girys were a bit O_o in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @oftenimprudent Does this mean he and Molly will get it on at some point in Sherlock? in reply to oftenimprudent ->
- @nikki @sebpatrick @OurJosephine O_O When is this? in reply to nikki ->
- @eoincmacken Shakespeare Retold did it well, but Luhrman's R&J basically ripped out Paris' heart which totally put me off. in reply to eoincmacken ->
Tweets for 2012-03-17
- How do I always manage to arrange everything so that my weekend is uber-busy when I already know Monday is full? ->
- @grrlinterrupted I still can't stop thinking of him as Papa Kirk in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- According to @klout, I'm influential about Romeo, Eurovision Song Contest, and Vanilla ->
- Haha. I'm also apparently influential about Bacon. WIN. ->
- @bbcbeinghuman @bbc3tv Penultimate? OH GOD. DON'T REMIND ME. I was living in a bubble where #beinghuman is on every Sunday forever… in reply to bbcbeinghuman ->
- “Letters From The Sky†by Civil Twilight is my new jam. ♫ ->
- ♥ Ill Manors by Plan B #lastfm: ->
- since i know i won't be awake before my mum tomorrow, i've left her card & pressie where she'll see it. ->
- which is basically in front of the kettle for when she makes me a cup of tea… ->
Tweets for 2012-03-16
- @anatsuno It also has tiny tiny green glitter suspended in it in reply to anatsuno ->
- @anatsuno Also, cheap! It was only £1.75 😀 in reply to anatsuno ->
- @sebpatrick I still prefer David Byrne & Fatboy Slim's Imelda Marcos one in reply to sebpatrick ->
- New blog post: Review: The Journey Toward Reconciliation ->
- @eoincmacken @Tomhopperhops Does this mean you're the Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny of the Merlin universe? in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @MarkDoesStuff MARK. I SAW THIS AND THOUGHT OF YOU. in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @SuperCricket WAIT. @canada_bear ISN'T a polar bear? omg. world shattered. in reply to SuperCricket ->
Tweets for 2012-03-15
- @rebeccasbrain Is it delicious? in reply to rebeccasbrain ->
- I may have won the gay marriage debate with my mother by arguing that all straight couples should be forced to adopt & IVF should be banned. ->
- @NobleKnope Ahahaha. I was wondering about that in reply to NobleKnope ->
- @grrlinterrupted Opera 😀 I'm in a serious minority with it, even though it is awesome. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …but I've never used a Mac because I am irrationally prejudiced against Apple. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …wait, are you INSINUATING THAT I USE SAFARI? OMG ;_; in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Hell no. I think they were Windows only for a while at the start. Other browsers keep stealing its new functions. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Mainly because it's not a disgusting resource hog on my old, clapped out laptop. Also, they were there first with tabs. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted The RSS reader is pretty good, even tho I switched to Google Reader when I attempted to use Firefox for a while in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted The keyboard shortcuts are good (also, customisable so I can go back to my old setup from old versions of Opera). in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted And there are probably loads of useful things I don't even know about hidden in there. It's pretty tidy looking too. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- ♥ Fast Track by Étienne de Crécy #lastfm: amazon: ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Wasn't much of a debate. I win at bringing the extreme ridiculous options to the yard. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- ♥ Bandages by Hot Hot Heat #lastfm: amazon: ->
- ♥ The Phoenix Alive by Monarchy #lastfm: ->
- @eoincmacken Is that because you're often on twitter at like… 1/2am? in reply to eoincmacken ->
- matt dark khaki nail polish is awesome. when the shade is called "octopus", it's even more awesome ->
Tweets for 2012-03-14
- @MadeFromCorpses I already told you about the samurai swords didn't I? Curses. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I'll have to see if the ceremonial axe in the loft is sharp then I suppose. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I have new shoes! They make me 5ft9 instead 😀 in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses …you do know I only wear comfortable shoes right? in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses @petitmew @AngryBigChris @wedge_225 @wartrader No reason. No conspiracy at all. 😀 in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @RupertFYoung @eoincmacken Think you've managed "sinister" rather than "dreamy" there… :/ in reply to RupertFYoung ->
- @MadeFromCorpses @wedge_225 @AngryBigChris …out of @petitmew's reach? in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @grrlinterrupted It says I am introverted. Which…I already knew. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Did you see David Duchovny being awesome in S:AAB? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted BUT HE IS AWESOME ;_; in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @ATR_official I have a soft spot for The Net. It's terrible, but makes me giggle. in reply to ATR_official ->
- @FilthyPazuzu @Webimpulse @ATR_official And that one scene with Hugh Jackman in a towel. in reply to FilthyPazuzu ->
- @ATR_official @HomoCarnula …Johnny Mnemonic? The film with Henry Rollins, Ice-T, Dolph Lundgren, a dolphin and Keanu Reeves? in reply to ATR_official ->
- @HomoCarnula The whole film is a thing of beauty. in reply to HomoCarnula ->
- @HomoCarnula @ALEC_EMPIRE Or going to wrong bars with the wrong people… in reply to HomoCarnula ->
Tweets for 2012-03-13
- @rebeccasbrain Me too. I'm trying to pretend there's loads of episodes left. in reply to rebeccasbrain ->
- @RobertKazinsky Are you using actual blogging software or just updating the one static webpage? in reply to RobertKazinsky ->
- @russelltovey Watch out for the bloke with 7 wives? in reply to russelltovey ->
- @MarkDoesStuff …what were you watching? in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @MarkDoesStuff OH I SEE. Yes. Sorry. Admittedly, I have been eagerly waiting for you to get to that in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @laharcourt still at church atm, will prob have to be tomoro ->
Tweets for 2012-03-12
- @syn If the "babes" in question get dressed up as various shaving implements, then I could be convinced to forgive them. If not, no dice. in reply to syn ->
- why am i so annoyingly productive on the train? ->
- @madefromcorpses i can only get so far when i can't check sources or explore points in more depth. my notes now have 'check this' on them ->
- @krazycat It's pretty warm and sunny in Twickenham at least… in reply to krazycat ->
- Easyworld started playing on, had forgotten how much I love this song. ->
- @AnthonySteele Thought there was already one in force? in reply to AnthonySteele ->
- @eruvadhril Ahah yes, sorry about that. Anything in particular you were looking for? in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @danielguntrip OMG in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @eoincmacken My mum may or may not have been drinking a pint of that every other day while pregnant with me. Does explain things. in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @petitmew If they're videos than the 4th dimension is timmmmmeeeeeeee in reply to petitmew ->
- ♥ Lights Out by Easyworld #lastfm: ->
- @eoincmacken Did that number turn out to actually be for yr website guy? Will he be sticking in a CMS that's easier for u to update yrself? ->
- @JamesHunt Hah. I was probably too busy with my A-Levels or something. in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @kipoti I'm working on a presentation to Fatboy Slim. Having to resist the urge to get up and dance in the library in reply to kipoti ->
- ♥ Love Island by Fatboy Slim #lastfm: ->
- @fthc I particularly like the entries for 25th/26th June 2009 😀 in reply to fthc ->
- @kipoti @fthc My phone can't even handle wap anymore. I can only dream of apps in reply to kipoti ->
Tweets for 2012-03-11
- Weird blend of happiness and sexual repression = religious? #beinghuman ->
- @bbcbeinghuman At some point, someone will edit together every Hal scene ever and slap it on youtube or something right? #beinghuman in reply to bbcbeinghuman ->
- @bbcbeinghuman Maybe the sugar and E-numbers send him into OCD overdrive? #beinghuman ->
- @bbcbeinghuman Me too #beinghuman in reply to bbcbeinghuman ->
- @ladderax_1 Are tachyon particles real and part of this universe? in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- Not really his door? #beinghuman ->
- I have a Blue Peter badge. Somewhere. #beinghuman ->
- What if Patrick Bateman was a vampire? #beinghuman ->
- I think I would like a Patrick Bateman vampire more than I like Golda #beinghuman ->
- How is Allison not worried that Hal will kill Alex? #beinghuman ->
- There's got to be a concealed weapon joke in there somewhere #beinghuman ->
- @bbcbeinghuman Is Tom's ultimate fantasy a barrister dressed up as a bee? #beinghuman in reply to bbcbeinghuman ->
- real baby or fake baby? #beinghuman ->
- Yay Cutler #beinghuman ->
- There be some adorable fanfic out there after this #beinghuman ->
- @mrtonylee I dunno, sounds like something that could have legit happened in the BBC Robin Hood series in reply to mrtonylee ->
- OH GOD. FORESHADOWING #beinghuman ->
- O_O #beinghuman ->
- Does going off the rails make Hal more debonair? #beinghuman ->
Tweets for 2012-03-10
- @kipoti …spill in reply to kipoti ->
- @smartmatt About 2 weeks after I finally got my full license, it expired because my picture was old. in reply to smartmatt ->
- @bbcbeinghuman awww. in reply to bbcbeinghuman ->
- @Jordd01 phewww in reply to Jordd01 ->
- @bbcbeinghuman Can't believe there are only 3 episodes left. omg in reply to bbcbeinghuman ->
- @newloveletter I actually gave up on that, since I don't have a printer to be able to print out a paper copy to work from in reply to newloveletter ->
- @mrtonylee I would feel old, considering that I was 13 when Buffy first aired…but I got ID-ed buying wine yesterday. in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @newloveletter I think you've probably done better than I would have then 😀 I got less than a quarter of the way into it before giving up in reply to newloveletter ->
- @Botanygeek @sudathai That sounds amazing. in reply to Botanygeek ->
- Augh. I am SO lacking in motivation. Lame. ->
- The downside to being incredibly laid back, ladies and gentlemen. I realise I have something to do, I just…can't be bothered. ->
- Halfway through a speech as old as I am about nonviolence and being prepared to die for peace. Would keep going but falling asleep. ->