Tweets for 2012-04-19
- Do kiwi fruit make good cakes? We have 11 of the things and I know I won't be eating them… ->
- I have no idea why my mum thought buying 11 kiwi fruit and 7 mangos was a good idea. When I went off fruit about 3 years ago… ->
- @MadeFromCorpses all fruit pretty much. prefer veg instead in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Good thing I'll be taking over before you get the chance to :D:D:D in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- Ahaha. The base for the Oslo cake recipe is basically rock cake – no wonder it's hit my stomach like a ton of bricks… ->
- @thisisyourfault SO DELICIOUS. NOT AS DELICIOUS AS THIS THOUGH: #northandsouth in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @wanderlustlover *hughug* in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover @laharcourt If you have the Doctor's mobile number, he might be able to help…if not? Waiting I'm afraid π in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @eoincmacken Sounds electric. π in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @glfpodcast Undecided. The only person I hear saying "killer" is Zane Lowe… in reply to glfpodcast ->
- @glfpodcast How about "ripping"? in reply to glfpodcast ->
- @anatsuno @renay ALL OF THOSE THINGS. How am I going to get my fic fix in a few years time if newer ficcer's can't try things out now? in reply to anatsuno ->
- @MarkDoesStuff Why does "DOWNSTAIRS" sound so ominous? in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @krazycat Yeah, I made it before with pears. in reply to krazycat ->
- @krazycat same as a rock cake recipe. 2/3s dough go in the base, then layer of fruit and then rest of dough to make lattice to go on top in reply to krazycat ->
- @krazycat Yeah, I don't really get the name but that's what it says in the book. Rock cakes: in reply to krazycat ->
- @wanderlustlover *hug* in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @AnthonySteele yeah, I usually put sultanas in in reply to AnthonySteele ->
- @krazycat Is totally NOM in reply to krazycat ->
- @AnthonySteele Hmm. As much as I like choc chips in things, I think I prefer sultanas in this case. I did put white choc chips in my cake in reply to AnthonySteele ->
Tweets for 2012-04-18
- @danielguntrip tar and feather David Boreanaz? in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @Pinboard The only one I've ever really used was a "share this on tumblr" one. :/ in reply to Pinboard ->
- @sebpatrick But it's so close to Rasa Sayang and the tastiest Malaysian food in all of London in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @MarkDoesStuff One day I shall be able to pull off a prank where I draw eyes in all the headlines of newspapers in your area. ONE DAY. in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @wanderlustlover What's her constitution like? in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover Hold back on the full-strength milli-crack then π in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @thisisyourfault zomg. :D:D ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Frank Turner (57), We Were Evergreen (13) & Ben Marwood (11) ->
- @wanderlustlover cutefic: ->
- zomg @SineadKeenan is on telly right now in Poirot. YAY. π ->
- @syn football is only exciting if people you personally know are playing and you're there at the side of the pitch. heckling. in reply to syn ->
- It will never get old that Bruce Wayne's mum is the Sheriff of Nottingham's sister ->
- still don't understand what the 4th ingredient in my 4 in 1 instant tea powder could be. ->
- @krazycat very possible in reply to krazycat ->
- @thisisyourfault TRUFAX in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- Augh. Realised I'll have to stop following the Lucy Griffiths tag on tumblr once her episodes of True Blood start airing ->
Tweets for 2012-04-17
- Γ’β’Β« listening to Blaqk Audio – Cities Of Night Γ’β’Β« // ->
- Γ’β’Β« listening to A Perfect Circle – The Noose Γ’β’Β« // ->
- @emmaprew Go into the settings & turn on the Scrooge function. If there was an anti-pirate song function I would be pretty much set in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew heh yeah, songs with a piratey sort of theme. Which I listen to only on international talk like a pirate day. in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew Ahahah. I know it's a bit outlandish, but is really really handy. π in reply to emmaprew ->
- @syn @heatherbat It's a dude with an impressive instrument. in reply to syn ->
- @emmaprew Hehe, I've been a bit of a scrobbling addict for a while, so when they have cool stuff like that, I'm all over it in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew aha. I am a giant void of smart-phonery π in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew On that point…I never got round to installing it on my netbook. π Randomly, I listen to other people's library radio in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew "mix" radio has stuff already in your library plus stuff it thinks you might like… in reply to emmaprew ->
- @marshamusic Which reminds me that I wanted to watch Ultraviolet again at some point. in reply to marshamusic ->
- @wanderlustlover Is this like how Guy is totally in love with Marian from adoring her as tinyGuy? in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @emmaprew But isn't that because Frank is actually a giant? He makes my tall friends look me-sized. in reply to emmaprew ->
Tweets for 2012-04-16
- @fthc Ahah and here I was thinking it was just blocked on my uni network for some bizarre reason in reply to fthc ->
- @emmaprew Ahaha. Man, tell him to come round to your house to make up for it in reply to emmaprew ->
- Audio: Chuck Ragan – The Times They Are a-ChanginΓ’β¬β’ (Bob Dylan cover) ->
- @zombiewes Haha didn't even know they were on sale. The Hive were awesome when I saw them in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes At least I've still got that spare HWM ticket… in reply to zombiewes ->
- @krazycat @anatsuno that one annoys me. not only is a giant ipad blocking my view of the stage, but what happens when it gets dropped? in reply to krazycat ->
- @emmaprew Ahah that's me today. Admittedly, my deadline is like in.. .a couple of hours. in reply to emmaprew ->
- FREEEE. Well. Until roughly 3 weeks before my next essay is due. Now for RP. Or… maybe tomorrow zzz ->
- @emmaprew it's a sentient beard, capable of independent movement in reply to emmaprew ->
- @zombiewes Hehe no worries, let me know in reply to zombiewes ->
Tweets for 2012-04-15
- Though I only had 3/4 of an easter egg left. Turns out I've also still got a whole large lindt bunny ->
- @snacky @anatsuno Yeah, the way I see it, freeform tags on AO3 should give info about the fic whereas on tumblr due to the format… in reply to snacky ->
- @snacky @anatsuno …tags there are like meta-commentary on the main meat of the tumbld item in reply to snacky ->
- @snacky @anatsuno O_o I only accept that kind of tagging shenanigans on tumblr. definitely in reply to snacky ->
- @snacky BASICALLY, you need a filter that will remove any fic with a tag that mentions "feels" or "these are my choices" from your searches in reply to snacky ->
- Γ’β¬ΕNever Buy The SunΓ’β¬Β by Billy Bragg is my new jam. Γ’β’Β« ->
- Video: Millon Dead – Girlfriend in a Coma (The Smiths cover) (by bethandthemusic) ->
- @sebpatrick Only really mentioned in the wake of the film or in my German lessons at school. Use "playschool" or "playgroup" instead mostly in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @xfm @stevexfm Indie Covers – there's a few good ones here: ->
- @xfm @stevexfm Once Upon A Time starts on channel 5 at 8pm for those of us staying in… ->
- @xfm Frank Turner please! Just found more pink confetti in my bag from Friday π ->
- I do like how setlist scrobbler adds songs from gigs I've been to to my account ->
- @Jook It does rely on having the setlist and doesn't tend to scrobble the support acts…but what can you do…? in reply to Jook ->
- @Jook …well. other than manually scrobbling the support acts, I suppose. But I'm too lazy for that in reply to Jook ->
- @onceon5 Ahah. I totally zoned out and missed that bit. Thanks in reply to onceon5 ->
- @RobertKazinsky Woah. Been down the gym? π in reply to RobertKazinsky ->
- That optimum conditions for working on my essay occur at night when everyone else is asleep and I'm starting to get tired? Annoying ->
Tweets for 2012-04-14
- @kipoti @xfm What what? I missed it. Admittedly because I was listening to a Frank Turner CD in the car… in reply to kipoti ->
- @emmaprew See you at Gaslight then… in reply to emmaprew ->
- @eoincmacken Save your money, go hat shopping instead. in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @emmaprew Hehe. All the gigs I have coming up are in my profile. Remind me closer to the time & I'll tell you my current hair colour in reply to emmaprew ->
- @ladderax_1 …borrow your computers? For what? in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 …surely turning all the computers off one by one would help with the elimination process? in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @kakapojayne My expectations for Hawkeye's biceps have been raised quite alot… in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @ladderax_1 Admittedly, I didn't learn anything about this when I was studying Comp Sci, but I don't understand why he'd need to see your PC in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 …which is why you would turn it off. Because if you turn it off, it stops doing like. Stuff. WEIIIIIIIRD. in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 ANYWAY. Have some tea and cake annnnd I dunno. WRITE STUFF. Write stuff with… unicorns and kittens frolicking. π in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 …and you may take "unicorns and kittens frolicking" as literal or a euphemism. Either way π in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @ladderax_1 I know less than I should. Well. I say that. I have a computer-type degree. It's more like unexpected random knowledge gaps. in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- Watching the Norfolk episode of Our Food. Swear I just heard a @fthc song about 15 minutes in. ->
- @ladderax_1 No? in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- …maybe they were expecting @MuseumSheffield to disinter him? in reply to MuseumSheffield ->
- The only problem with power cuts is I'm never quite sure if I imagined the lights flicker on and off… ->
- Random fact I learnt thanks to power cut = Top Golf is still open at nearly midnight ->
Tweets for 2012-04-13
- Don't think my auntie understands that it's physically impossible for me to eat 7 fishfingers and enough salad and rice for 2 people :/ ->
- @emmaprew Stand inappropriately close to them! It'll make them socially uncomfortable enough to move. Admittedly, this is a creepy tactic… in reply to emmaprew ->
- @SciencePunk I did actually click on an ad on once. It was to enter a competition to win ΓΒ£5K in men's clothes. Link didn't work. :/ in reply to SciencePunk ->
- Referencing, while useful, is a pain in the neck when having to do it for journal articles you found online ->
- @kakapojayne Clearly, you're coming to see Frank Turner at Wembley with me….or ARE YOU? π in reply to kakapojayne ->
- Trying to hold back from fully embracing the Stewart Lee method of footnoting ->
- been ages since i've been on the met line. this train is suprisingly nice… ->
- omg @fthc was awesome! who's up for flashmobbing him with a dance no? #frankturnerwembley ->
Tweets for 2012-04-12
- @zombiewes I'm going to see Dave Hause and chums tonight instead :D:D:D:D in reply to zombiewes ->
- @laurenlaverne They get really uncomfortable when I tell them this is how my face looks and ask what they have against it in reply to laurenlaverne ->
- @AnnLarimer ICH LIEBE DICH. π ->
- @syn Wow. Admittedly, I didn't finish reading it when I had a go (I was 13 and got distracted by…a new Star Trek novel). :/ in reply to syn ->
- Excellent. Thunder, lightning and GIANT HAIL. ->
- @grrlinterrupted Did you go for "humanity" instead? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- am sure barfly was bigger last time i was here. ->
- just realised i'll be here in exactly a month to see @hausedave again! ->
- @zombiewes @fthc is in the building too… ->
- so i saw billy bragg on telly last night & now i'll be seeing him live… ->
- ahaha frank's on stage ->
- @zombiewes bragg & turner just covered dylan. soz ->
- @silverturnsgrey totally yes way! π ->
- @eoincmacken Haha. If you're the type to get freaked out by a talking breakfast then bad I suppose…:) in reply to eoincmacken ->
- Ahaha omg so tired, but tonight was aces π Billy Bragg w/Frank Turner covering Bob Dylan = awesomesauce. Also Dave Hause = <3 ->
- @emmaprew @chuckraganfacts Um. I left at about 10.30pm so that I could get into bed at a reasonable hour… in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew Ahah yeah, caught about 3 songs. There're ok. Admittedly I was really there to see Dave Hause… in reply to emmaprew ->
- @zombiewes they might do it again tomorrow night though… in reply to zombiewes ->
Tweets for 2012-04-11
- @kipoti Boring hair, but TOTALLY AWESOME uhhh… aura? um. TOTALLY AWESOME AWESOMENESS. THAT'S IT. π in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti Ahahaha. I'm going to wondering if a lot of girls in Frank tees are you π in reply to kipoti ->
- @Xtra_Mile SO EXCITED. I get to see @hausedave at the Barfly twice this year. Win. in reply to Xtra_Mile ->
- 2 out of 3 dresses ordered online fit! The one that doesn't seems to be to designed for someone incredibly flat-chested. ->
- @ChuckRaganFacts ME. I've got green and pink hair. not hard to spot really in reply to ChuckRaganFacts ->
- @rickedwards1 Unless the girl is a giant Star Wars nerd. in reply to rickedwards1 ->
- @Xfm_Lliana Oh man, yes. AND YET HERE I AM. Augh in reply to Xfm_Lliana ->
- @JamesPurefoy Went to see it a few weeks ago – I was so in tears with laughter by the end, the man sitting next to me got concerned! in reply to JamesPurefoy ->
- @wanderlustlover :/ *hugs* in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @thisisyourfault @wanderlustlover I think you both need this: ->
- @mrtonylee I can only find the livetweet and this apology in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @thisisyourfault WELL. I'm still essaying and Richard Armitage is still flawless π in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault Hee. OH GOD TOO SLOWLY. Augh. I'm just not feeling it at all. :/ in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault It is the start of term on Monday. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Rarrrrrmitage would totally help. in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault Damnit. Already done that part. in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @McKelvie wikipedia offers "artisan pork pie" in reply to McKelvie ->
- Uber-tired and going to bed early. Better not be getting sick. *glares at immune system* ->
- I say early. It's only early at 11.40pm because I usually go to bed around 2am… ->
Tweets for 2012-04-10
- @thisisyourfault @wanderlustlover :D:D:D:D in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault I WELCOME IT :D:D:D:D:D:D in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @wanderlustlover Also found googledoc of chat log where dates and ages are laid out with ramblings about Guy. I KNEW I HAD IT SOMEWHERE ->
- @wanderlustlover …is this when Natalie Portman dances through the episode? in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @thisisyourfault omg ->
- @wanderlustlover ME TOO! But especially on Rarrrmitage, I find. I think I should follow more Rarrmitage tumblrs. If that's possible. in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover The only red crickets allowed: in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @InnerBrat Looks like they have a crew meeting today… I think #milliways might be like a ship name or something in reply to InnerBrat ->
- @InnerBrat OH MAN. Geflickten Trommel is a restaurant that does suckling pig. *drools* *might hope on a plane and join them* in reply to InnerBrat ->
- @wanderlustlover AVERT YOUR EYES in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover …just generally at the OUaT ship names and failboat? in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- The problem with having over 250 entries in yr tumblr queue is the suspicion you reblogged to the wrong tumblr ->
- Maybe I *didn't* tumbl it? hmm ->
- @wanderlustlover @laharcourt Uh. Read my fic instead! Spot my typos! in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover Aww. I just went with inserting internet phrases in my everyday speech at work, because it's bound to spread eventually in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover @laharcourt I always get fic ideas when I'm supposed to be slaving over an essay. Or it's 3am and I'm still awake in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @grrlinterrupted ahahah I'm pretty ok with this. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @villainny Gondor has pants though? in reply to villainny ->