Tweets for 2012-05-25
- @auntyel I love how he basically short-circuits your higher brain function. 😀 in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel You do. For science. in reply to auntyel ->
- …How did I forget that Hayley Atwell was in the Man of Mode with Tom Hardy? ->
- @auntyel I could make a documentary! Or something. Test your brainpower before and after being en-Mackened. Scientifically. Yes. in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel I love it when a plan comes together. #science #notjustlols #yesscience in reply to auntyel ->
- New blog post: Antigone @ The National Theatre 24/05/12 ->
- @grrlinterrupted I know I only just got my hair cut, but I'm toying with the idea of going short. Short short. Hmm in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted I've done that haircut! Basically, it's my usual cut at the shortest I've ever done it. I want to go SHORTER THAN THAT in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @thisisyourfault …:O….:D in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault BRAIN CANDY. omg in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @Alawston I did! I'd just never seen the ACTUAL estate agents in person and it was unexpected in reply to Alawston ->
- @RocknRollBride @petitmew It's Twilight with Susan Sarandon though. None of that vampire stalker rubbish in reply to RocknRollBride ->
- Watching Twilight. Paul Newman is awesome. AND OMG STOCKARD CHANNING ->
- @krazycat @trygve_lie NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Opera is the only browser that doesn't kill my laptop. Apart from IE. augh in reply to krazycat ->
- I like Opera. It runs on my laptop. It is useful. Facebook is none of these things and likes to remove useful features. Disappointing ->
- I think @MarkDoesStuff reading 50 Shades of Grey is possibly the greatest thing to come out of my love for AFI. Seriously. ->