Tweets for 2012-07-16
- zomg tired ->
- It's Monday right? ->
- @thelifeof_rose I saw them do this live on Frank's tour last November, it was aces in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @grrlinterrupted In Star Trek they could just clone you a new one… in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @Thor2themovie Oh man I am unfeasibly excited. in reply to Thor2themovie ->
- @Thor2themovie Saying that, now that Journey into Mystery is over, the Loki feels on Thor 2 better be spectacular to ease my JIM grief in reply to Thor2themovie ->
- @thelifeof_rose It's not just you 😉 in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- So, did I miss anything in the last 2 days? ->
- @danielguntrip @nikki ..I find I prefer anthropomorphic personification of concepts slashed with intangible things like websites better. in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @danielguntrip @nikki …thinking about it, there has to be hipster/uncool hateslash out there. in reply to danielguntrip ->
- Not enough room to move trackball to otherside of desk from its lefthanded position. Luckily, I'm somewhat ambidexterous. ->
- …only because I nearly sliced off a finger that one time and thought I should learn just in case though… ->
- Lucky for me, I'm not strong enough to cut through bone with a kitchen knife. ->
- Turkeys. In the back garden. O_o ->