Tweets for 2012-09-06
- @ThePCCLondon DONE. I've already instructed my mum that we're not having X-Mas out of the country, this just backs me up 😀 in reply to ThePCCLondon ->
- @thelifeof_rose AWESOME 😀 in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @ThePCCLondon It's an important service! At least this time I won't miss any Dr Who X-Mas specials either 😀 in reply to ThePCCLondon ->
- New hair! ->
- @eoincmacken As much as I enjoyed the film, I don't think I'd want to watch Charlie be Charlie all over again… in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @MadeFromCorpses It's pretty much what I do each time I get my haircut, might as well do it properly for that cost! in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @JADEDPUNKHULK Because they can spell. 😀 in reply to JADEDPUNKHULK ->
- @burjz @ladderax_1 We've had a good few decent documentaries about her, but I guess the interest isn't really there outside the UK in reply to burjz ->
- @Evil_FTHC I quite like the part where I can get mince pies now though in reply to Evil_FTHC ->
- @zombiewes Part of me is all congrats, but then there's another part (the teetotal part) that… really doesn't get why not drinking is hard in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes Whereas I've never drank, so I cultivated eccentricity to deal with the being social thing. in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes Develop a taste for tea. TEA IS AWESOME. You can dunk biscuits in it. It's good with CAKE. TEAAAA. CAAAKE. in reply to zombiewes ->
- @DarrenGoldsmith I saw it on a flight recently, it was pretty good. in reply to DarrenGoldsmith ->
- @zombiewes ICE TEA THEN. Not so good for biscuit dunking, but adequate with a nice light sponge 😀 in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes Or bubble tea! BUBBLE TEA IS AMAZEFACE OMG in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes Hmm. Coffee? I know people who like iced coffee. in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes Haha that's one of the reasons I don't like coffee too in reply to zombiewes ->
- @MarkDoesStuff …I guess that rules out Space: Above and Beyond… hehe in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->