Tweets for 2012-10-30
- @mstorijo OH MAN THRAWN in reply to mstorijo ->
- @MadeFromCorpses ERIC THE HUNTSMAN. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses You realise Dollhouse hasn't been on regular TV right? Also, Hemsworth is funny. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @mstorijo It's true though. You *do* have to watch them in reply to mstorijo ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Sure 😀 in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses The only reason I ever saw Wonderfalls was because my housemate made DVDs in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @kakapojayne All the Marvel stuff has turned out…marvellously, so…Star Wars should turn out ok in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @MadeFromCorpses SHHH in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- My twitterfeed is all Star Wars. This is glorious. ->
- Time to watch that Dolph Lundgren film that arrived from Lovefilm ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Haha, being a student now is pretty much exactly like it was back then. Only I live in a nice house instead. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Also, you have gainful employment. Whereas as back then I…got paid to stay in my flat overnight and sleep. Damn. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Apart from the bit where I lived with freshers for 3 years. And the time someone fell off the toilet and through the door. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses The toilet door was about 2.5m away from the actual throne. We could never figure out how she managed it in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @danielguntrip It is impossible to be too old for this in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @MadeFromCorpses There was one time I came out of my room & someone was pointing a videocamera into the loo room. Prob better that I didn't in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @zombiewes Cats don't like me. Prob for the same reason people won't sit next to me on the bus or train in reply to zombiewes ->
- @dreaminred Barfly does warm up fairly quickly though when everything gets going in reply to dreaminred ->
- @zombiewes Hehe probably in reply to zombiewes ->
- “Orpheus†by Ash is my new jam. ♫ ->
Tweets for 2012-10-29
- @Hedgeypig My phone is 8 years old & was nearly obsolete when I got it :/ No maps for me. Mostly hopping off and hoping for the best! in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @kakapojayne I had to get the bus. THE BUS. It's a bit like getting into a TARDIS with the Doctor. Never entirely sure where I'll end up in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @magpiewhale *whispers* It's Graham. in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @kakapojayne Luckily the station employee I spoke to at Richmond told me what regular bus would be better than that monstrosity. in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @dreaminred hah, no I just had to go into university for a meeting in reply to dreaminred ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Sure 😀 Thursday is late-night shopping night & also, I don't live far from the town centre. Plus I can drive now. 😀 in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @zombiewes No. Just read the wikipedia entry and be done with it in reply to zombiewes ->
- there's a guy at the station who looks like a mini-billy corgan ->
- twitter! what's up with the trains between euston and milton keynes? ->
- whatever it is, the train i'm on is a little too friendly ->
- @parodyofvirtue worst reason for train problems 🙁 ->
- Watching "Roundhead or Cavalier:Which one are you?" on BBC4. Can't say this is a question I've ever had any doubts about ->
- @grrlinterrupted You found anyone yet? I've never beta'd. Or had my own stuff beta'd. But I can typo check and cringe check. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @auntyel Heh. Well, maybe he likes the fashion. Or something. I dunno. in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel I have a certificate that proves mine and a great many other documents. 😀 in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Hmm. Lacy collars? Feathers? in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel You're in! in reply to auntyel ->
- @SuperCricket Your new one arrived! I'm gonna try to get to the post office tomorrow, but if I don't make it, it'll be Weds in reply to SuperCricket ->
Tweets for 2012-10-28
- @DeathBoy I don't remember it being released. Because I would have been 7 & my only love at the time was Star Trek in reply to DeathBoy ->
- @grrlinterrupted 😀 After you're done with all the Lucas North Spooks episodes, check out Strike Back season 1, if you've not already in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted @Fr333bird Is it Percival/Morgana? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted I…may be meeting him next Saturday. I say "may". It's pretty certain providing I don't chicken out in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Percy, Gwaine, Mordred + some mystery guest apparently: in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted I'm pretty excited. Cold sounds good. Also, knights. DID you head that he's going to be in some pirate show? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted haha yeah. PIRATE PERCY in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @zombiewes Search For Spock was good. Or at least, I liked it in reply to zombiewes ->
- @jamesyuill I *love* this song. I think it might be the most played Placebo song in my stats in reply to jamesyuill ->
- @jamesyuill In fact, it's the most played song ever, full stop. in reply to jamesyuill ->
- @dreaminred @TheRevivalTour YES. Out of all of my photos, there's only like… one where he's still enough not to blur in reply to dreaminred ->
- @jamesyuill Me too! But never got round to seeing them live. Did make some of my oldest friends on the Placebo newsgroup over on usenet tho in reply to jamesyuill ->
- @zombiewes First Contact was alright on the Borg side of things in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes No idea, they all kind of blurred together once they stopped explicitly numbering them in reply to zombiewes ->
- Theoretically, I should be conflicted when choosing between Stargate and a Marvel film. But I don't like Tony Stark, so… ->
- ♥ Ion by Placebo #lastfm: ->
- @MadeFromCorpses He's kind of an ass & I don't sympathise or identify with him at all. And yes, film version. James Spader = win in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Ra was the same guy that was in The Crying Game right? Never actually saw much of the show since we had only terrestrial tv in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
Tweets for 2012-10-27
- Or, in fact, both. ->
- @AnthonySteele Is it just coincidence that your last 2 @'s have links to youtube or have you been hacked? in reply to AnthonySteele ->
- @AnthonySteele Hehe sometimes I wonder if I am too suspicious. in reply to AnthonySteele ->
- @canada_bear Massive oversight? in reply to canada_bear ->
- @Hedgeypig Time travel! in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont is an awesome film. My grandparents were far more awesome than her though ->
- @canada_bear Not often, why? in reply to canada_bear ->
- @canada_bear Cool. I'll check it out after Merlin 😀 in reply to canada_bear ->
- I don't understand why Ricky from Eastenders doesn't have a proper proton pack to do the chachacha in. ->
- My mum, on the other hand, has seen the dance and noted that she needs more shortshorts ->
- Mum: "Is blackberry an iPhone?" Me: "No. They're 2 different smartphones." Mum: "And they're both Apple?" Me: "…no." ->
- @canada_bear My TV says someone called R-Truth is on. Although whenever I switch over from NCIS, it's music not presenters in reply to canada_bear ->
- @canada_bear Hehe then only ever switching over when it was music was lucky then! in reply to canada_bear ->
- @eruvadhril Does "Raspberry Ketone" = hacked? in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @thefrogprincess Does "Raspberry Ketone" = hacked? in reply to thefrogprincess ->
- @eljuno Does "Raspberry Ketone" = hacked? in reply to eljuno ->
- @Jook Go to Co-op. My local one has a whole shelf full of it in reply to Jook ->
Tweets for 2012-10-26
- @Alawston Living with freshers for 3 years has pretty much ensured that I will find them forever entertaining in reply to Alawston ->
- Pondering whether I should go see Skyfall. Have never seen Bond film in cinema. Might wait till it's on telly ->
- @SuperCricket But… Kingsley's not white. He's not Chinese, yeah, but he's about as white as I am. in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @SuperCricket Admittedly, they should have cast me as The Mandarin. in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @nedhepburn Thanks to my stubborn refusal to use the tumblr dash…I've only just realised it's down. I guess I'll have to star reblogs in reply to nedhepburn ->
- @SuperCricket You need me to win the lottery so I can organise a Hobbit quest to see the film in New Zealand. in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @SuperCricket I think he's half-Asian. Possibly. I know he has an Indian sounding real name. in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @sithcamaro It doesn't look terribly warm. Were you going for warm? Or just swanky? in reply to sithcamaro ->
- Unexpected full frontal nudity before 6pm. Well. I say unexpected. I've seen A Room With A View before. Thought it'd be cut at this hour ->
- @eddrobinson @smartmatt I use the ACS earplugs – they're awesome & saving me from going mad from tinnitus after gigs. in reply to eddrobinson ->
- @eddrobinson @smartmatt Heh yeah. Also, the ACS people were really lovely & helpful on the phone when I ordered new filters in reply to eddrobinson ->
- That moment when you're not sure if you have tickets for The Hives in December or not. It's in RememberTheMilk and have it listed… ->
- …and I only do those AFTER I buy the tickets. Hmm ->
- @wilw @seanbonner Wait, that's not just because tumblr was down? in reply to wilw ->
- Video: The Gaslight Anthem – Everlong (Foo Fighters cover) in the BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge (by bbcradio1) ->
Tweets for 2012-10-25
- @understood But it's part of you still! 😀 in reply to understood ->
- @kierongillen I'm going to have to buy more t-shirts than I should to make shipping worthwhile. I can tell in reply to kierongillen ->
- Sorely tempted by the Disney villains nail varnish. ->
- @hannoir @EE They had to send me a new sim card because I stopped receiving txts after the switchover in reply to hannoir ->
- @DHLinton That one has always twisted my melon a bit in reply to DHLinton ->
- @sebpatrick @kierongillen @JamesHunt I DON'T GET IT UNTIL NEXT MONTH'S COMICS DELIVERY ;_; in reply to sebpatrick ->
- An alien has just demanded a shag from Riker in exchange for helping him escape. #STTNG ->
- @ctjhill Hah apparently yes in reply to ctjhill ->
- If HP is the "sauce of manliness" then doesn't that imply it tastes awful? ->
- @ChuckRaganFacts He'll probably sort out Venice's sinking problem while he's at it in reply to ChuckRaganFacts ->
- @Andy_Hogan Is this like when you bought an angle-grinder to cut the hinges off our door but no safety goggles? in reply to Andy_Hogan ->
- @parodyofvirtue I don't understand why a bacon sarnie needs anything but sweet sweer butter between the meat and bread in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @Andy_Hogan Haha I remember forcing the free sunnies from a magazine I had upon you lot and then fleeing the scene in reply to Andy_Hogan ->
- @Andy_Hogan @parodyofvirtue Only if the bacon is substandard or burnt in reply to Andy_Hogan ->
- M&S do runny yolk scotch eggs. That is all. ->
- @Hedgeypig Even a bout of salmonella hasn't put me off runny yolks. Might be a sign of my poor judgement tho… in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @eruvadhril I imagine that it tastes of stale sweat and the inability to ask for directions, so not sure how to fix that with pineapple… in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @kostmayer Mm. Most wouldn't like the taste of stale sweat, failure to ask for directions and an excess of power tools, I suspect in reply to kostmayer ->
- @stevexfm Are you going to be holed up in a freezing room, missing the on-stage action but keeping radioland entertain for this again? in reply to stevexfm ->
Tweets for 2012-10-24
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: The Gaslight Anthem (22), Jay Malinowski (13) & Matt Skiba (1) ->
- @JamesHunt Thought it'd be a nice Halloween treat… in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @AgentM @welovefinetees But there'll be a picture of you in Thor's helmet right? RIGHT? in reply to AgentM ->
- @kipoti …Jon & Frank whizzed past you on a tandem? in reply to kipoti ->
- @HelenLOHara Unless it's a prequel, it'd be pretty hard to bring the character back wouldn't it? in reply to HelenLOHara ->
- @danielguntrip broken kitkat in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @sebpatrick I think the TWoof bits have survived. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @auntyel I might have some. But I've not seen my real hair colour in 16 years in reply to auntyel ->
- @danielguntrip :O that's awful in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @Hedgeypig How is it for problematic treatment of women and racism? in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @Hedgeypig @QueenSerenity42 I'd like to see @AgentM wearing an item of costume from as many characters as possible. All at once in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @Hedgeypig I love Lucy Liu, she improves everything she's been in. That ep pretty much put me off entirely, partly because I'm half-chinese in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @Hedgeypig But mostly because it was just awful in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @ChuckRaganFacts Sorry, that might be my fault. I may have caught something in one of the 9 films/2 gigs I'd seen prior to Revival Tour in reply to ChuckRaganFacts ->
- “Life is a Gun†by Jay Malinowski is my new jam. ♫ ->
Tweets for 2012-10-23
- @mstorijo 🙁 *hughug* in reply to mstorijo ->
- @sebpatrick If they do, my mum won't be going to the cinema with me anymore. :/ in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick Will they be changing the name, or is the Orange brand for it too pun-tastic? in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick Hmm.Welp,Thor is off being a Space Viking in space. I'm hoping that all the other films are set at the same time so they're busy in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @mrtonylee This is one of those times where it would have been handy to have actually studied for my Latin AS-Level in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @grrlinterrupted Clearly Rachiedonia is the best country on the planet. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- I have just discovered what chicken-fried steak is. omg ->
- @drop_of_indigo YES. WIN in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @drop_of_indigo Did you do the dance of joy as you handed it in? in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @AgentM Are the flights leaving on time? It's a bit foggy here atm… in reply to AgentM ->
- @AgentM Just call up Thor, I'm sure he can sort it out! in reply to AgentM ->
- @rickedwards1 DO MORE ATHLETICS. Make people employ you do present more athletics. Tell them I demand it. in reply to rickedwards1 ->
Tweets for 2012-10-22
- oh and there was a 2hr journey to uni plus 2hr meeting with lecturer in there too ->
- i've probably spent almost the same amount of time on the train as in the cinema. zomg tired ->
- it has been all the fun ever though. next time will have far fewer films i think ->
- @SuperCricket I read that so I could do a comparison between it & Interview with the Vampire for an essay. Got dull in the middle :/ in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @BFI I saw Everybody Has A Plan, the Screen Talk with Mr Mortensen, Argo and Great Expectations. I am SO tired after 12 films in reply to BFI ->
- @MadeFromCorpses DUDE. I AM THERE. WE CAN HANG OUT. in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @sebpatrick Hah if only my mum was on twitter. She gets dead excited for Monday because that's the 1st line-dancing day of the week in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick @McKelvie is entirely correct for eating mince pies as soon as he can get his hands on them. ENTIRELY. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- Finally finished tagging all my @TheRevivalTour photos from London date. Realised Jon Gaunt is in 25% of them ->
- Which did amuse me, since he's the only person in the photos who doesn't sing. Maybe it adds to the mystery…? ->
- @grrlinterrupted But how much remains inside the trousers? Also, is that an iPhone? I don't know how big those are for accurate comparison in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted :/ I've had my phone for 8 years & it was an old model when I got it so… *shrug* still no frame of reference in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted ALSO now I am wondering if they ARE all the same size & any perceived size difference is a perspective trick. Or something in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Because I would read fic where Mulder & Scully investigated that. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @JoeMathlete @danielguntrip Is it bad that I hear this to the tune of that Carly Rae Jepsen song? in reply to JoeMathlete ->
Tweets for 2012-10-21
- @glfpodcast 😀 Totally agree. Still can't believe I couldn't make it to the last gig they did here in reply to glfpodcast ->
- @thelifeof_rose You don't give off the right kind of hostile vibes? in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @Hedgeypig @thelifeof_rose I miss the 'lympics largely due to the glorious works-free tube that we had in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @thelifeof_rose Haha, blue hair and wearing a lot of black has worked for me a fair bit in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- ♥ Life Is A Gun by Jay Malinowski #lastfm: ->
- @thelifeof_rose Guardian & Telegraph might have something too in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- Fiddlesticks. Not going to be able to catch up on this week's coursera stuff to be able to submit mini-essay. Oh well ->
- in odeon leicester sq for great expectations. pretty excited. ->
- great expectations was really good, suspect i might like this best out of the 2 i've seen #lff ->
- Technically, a shot of me on the red carpet. Technically. ->
- so that's it. 12 @bfi #lff films, 1 screen talk & 3 gigs since the 11th. tomorrow i sleep ->