Tweets for 2012-11-18
- @KonamiKode Old age ๐ in reply to KonamiKode ->
- @grrlinterrupted ! in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Augh stupid slow laptop. Insert "Nice" before that exclamation mark in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Glasses are COOL. We will be TWINS. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @emmaprew @JADEDPUNKHULK @ChuckRaganFacts Heh I was thinking that! in reply to emmaprew ->
- Not going to see Feeder 'cos I'm staying with a friend the night before she gets married as the "voice of calm รขโขยซ ->
- I still really love Feeder ->
- @eoincmacken …but is his usual "venue" the back of the taxi or elsewhere? :/ in reply to eoincmacken ->
Tweets for 2012-11-17
- just seen an old lady out for a walk with her cat ->
- The only good thing about @SFXmagazine being shelved next to "men's" magazines is the immense awkward radiating from the guys attempting… ->
- …to buy magazines with half naked women on the front while I'm standing there browsing the magazine for 5 mins before I go pay for it ->
- Tho in my local @Asda the mags with half-naked women on the front are shelved under "entertainment" whereas music & scifi are men's interest ->
- @grrlinterrupted "My friend Rachel, not me, though my name is also Rachel, says you should consider going for a drink with me." poss too odd in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @kipoti That's in Kent right? in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti Incidentally, train? Exeter St Davids to Canterbury West takes 4 hours at รยฃ44. Suspect you're in for an overnight stay in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti Of course, bus may be cheaper. I have no idea.I don't like getting buses in reply to kipoti ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Yep, but when @ASDA switch the mags around they didn't bother to move the signs. I like to stand there & drive down sales in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @kakapojayne I'm kind of interested in what people think the most inconvenient superpower to have would be in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @thelifeof_rose got any sudocream? that's good for burns in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- Sneaking suspicion that my hair will be even more omgblue than usual. ->
- Whenever I ordered the hairdye, I clearly thought it was time to start thinking about moving toward a more purple colour at some point ->
- So instead of ordering any turquoise, I got lagoon blue and neon blue. Went with lagoon blue mixed with leftover turquoise ->
- @peachnixon Think I'm sorted for the next 4 months or so, but what brand do you use? in reply to peachnixon ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Don't they do that in New Zealand or somewhere? in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @grrlinterrupted How do the other knights do in hotness? Gonna watch tomorrow in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Exxxxxxcellent ๐ in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Looks more like a press shot than a film still? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
Tweets for 2012-11-16
- @cleolinda Is there a Magic Mike themed dream sequence? in reply to cleolinda ->
- @cleolinda He does an alluring strip routine then. Renesmee is unimpressed and would rather have lego in reply to cleolinda ->
- @cleolinda Admittedly, I have only the vaguest idea of what happens in the books. I only got 1/3 through the first one in reply to cleolinda ->
- HAHAH Velma just hacked into a computer on Scooby Doo by using the password "swordfish" ->
- Velma is sassier than I remember. ->
- The other day, it occurred to me that Fred had more emotional depth than I was expecting ->
- @Ghostlight_Ross Tweet via txt? in reply to Ghostlight_Ross ->
- It's pretty much certain that if I go out to the post office before it closes in 15 mins, @Parcelforce will deliver the package that's due ->
- If I wait, then @Parcelforce won't deliver it annnd I'll have to sort my ebay stuff out tomorrow :/ ->
- @Ghostlight_Ross Yeah, I don't have a smart phone (wap doesn't work anymore) so that's what I use. I only get @replies & DMs sent to phone in reply to Ghostlight_Ross ->
- @Ghostlight_Ross Otherwise, phone would probably explode from all the tweets going to it in reply to Ghostlight_Ross ->
- @sallycow YES. 21st right? That is the day I'm going to see Emily Barker. When you say "early dinner", how early? in reply to sallycow ->
- @sallycow yes! perfect timing! ->
- @sallycow Heh sure! ๐ in reply to sallycow ->
- @thisisyourfault Lameass police commissioner result, so yes ๐ Thanks in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @drop_of_indigo So basically, I was correct to be suspicious of The Snowman all those years ago? in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @thisisyourfault And only 14% turnout :/ in reply to thisisyourfault ->
Tweets for 2012-11-15
- Well. I say baffled. I know the reasons. It's more of a general feeling of "BUT WHHHHY DO YOU THINK THAT'S A GOOD IDEA?" ->
- @understood Me too. ๐ in reply to understood ->
- @understood Will never understand the seeming eagerness to use violence. :/ in reply to understood ->
- @JamesHunt wikipedia informs me that I am too young for that ๐ in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @JamesHunt Heh I say that I'm too young, but I remember my first Trek episode from '88… in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @Botanygeek floral tie? interestingly floral waistcoat? buttonhole? in reply to Botanygeek ->
- @SFXmagazine …17 years? That means I was 11 when I started reading SFX O_O in reply to SFXmagazine ->
- @fthc @FWWCahir Hot in reply to fthc ->
- @syn YES in reply to syn ->
- @kipoti Because we are Frank Turner loving twins. in reply to kipoti ->
- Pear + brie + onion bread = omg greatest sandwich ->
- @kipoti Tomorrow morning, you will wake up looking like a smurf from the dye rubbing from hair to skin ๐ in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti Haha that's the reason I have a box of surgical gloves – even washing my hair makes them blue for the first couple of weeks in reply to kipoti ->
- @kipoti zomg Frank is so cute. Just like. Generally. zzzzomg ->
Tweets for 2012-11-14
- I ask mostly because people keep asking me about this someone & I'm like… "um, they're in a hospice. With a terminal illness." ->
- To me, at least, this is fairly clear. To everyone asking me, it seems like they're expecting me to say "oh they'll be out next week." ->
- @ceitfianna I don't know – they'll ask how they are & then they ask about how the prognosis looks. :/ in reply to ceitfianna ->
- @ceitfianna It's actually baffling me. It's all older, well-educated people asking …like they don't know what a hospice is generally for in reply to ceitfianna ->
- @damianjohnson Even though I've told my mum that on no account is she allowed to vote UKIP or Tory… in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @mstorijo I am constantly baffled by the people who ask me about this. in reply to mstorijo ->
- @fieldstvl I think the guy went to chat it up with the staff member on the door, which BAFFLED all of us in reply to fieldstvl ->
- @Hedgeypig @thelifeof_rose Haha I saw yellow trousers like that in Millets the other day. in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @thelifeof_rose yes. yes it is. Unless it's like… framed. in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @ChuckRaganFacts Finally! in reply to ChuckRaganFacts ->
- @marshamusic The only way you could be more excited is if Maximo Park did a short set of Bond theme song covers beforehand in reply to marshamusic ->
- @danocdj You can. So long as you're writing for Des'ree in reply to danocdj ->
- Chuck Ragan instore at Banquet Records – Nov 2012: ->
- Haha. I appear in the @banquetrecords @ChuckRagan video at about 3mins in when my blue hair pops into view on the right. ->
- This is better than the back of my head appearing in other people's gig photos ->
- @OllieMogs Not sure – the last person to ask me saw the sick person on Monday & if they'd died yesterday I would have said so at the meeting in reply to OllieMogs ->
- @OllieMogs Same with yours. in reply to OllieMogs ->
- @grrlinterrupted They have a dance-off to settle things. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
Tweets for 2012-11-13
- .@chuckragan is awesome. #fact ->
- @ChuckRaganFacts It was awesome. Felt the overwhelming urge to fell a tree and build a house afterwards though in reply to ChuckRaganFacts ->
- .@chuckragan today at @banquetrecords. Totally aces. ๐ ->
- .@ChuckRagan at @banquetrecords today ->
- @RSDUK @ChuckRagan @banquetrecords There's the back of my head! ๐ Admittedly, can only spot me cos of the blue hair in reply to RSDUK ->
- @dreaminred @gaslightanthem hopefully yes! ๐ in reply to dreaminred ->
- @sebpatrick I prefer them rocket ones to magnums :/ in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @55factory There's the back of my head on the right with the blue hair! ๐ in reply to 55factory ->
- @fieldstvl Hah one guy tried asking me and the girl next to me if he could cut in, but luckily the guy behind totally shut him down in reply to fieldstvl ->
- @danocdj It's the Twihards right? in reply to danocdj ->
Tweets for 2012-11-12
- @auntyel I kind of do too, because it'll be good for Macken's career. But if it's rubbish… in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Ooh la la! in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Demons. VR.5. Seaquest 2032 when it was showing on ITV. Um… in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel CRIME TRAVELLER. EARLY EDITION. omg I love awful tv. ๐ in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel OH MAN I LOVED THE TRIBE. in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel It was always Lex for me in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Haha yeah he's like my height. in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel I kind of want Tribe/Merlin crossover fic now in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Your mission…. In other news, Caleb Ross is still pretty cute. Just googled him in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Haha I know. He's on twitter. But doesn't tweet: in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel ALSO. He's in the UK. Or at least he was last year: in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Your mission is to lure a Merlin fic-writer into a Tribe hole and not to let them out till a crossover is produced… ๐ in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Either that's because all Kiwis know each other OR a sign that you should get married. in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel In fairness, I've never asked any of the Kiwis I know about it either… in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Haha YES. in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel o.m.g. ahah ->
- @auntyel This is the next greatest thing to happen today, after our toilet being fixed. in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel I say you should do a rewatch in reply to auntyel ->
- @sebpatrick @kierongillen For a few moments there I thought you were referring to Russell Brand. :/ in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @anatsuno Hell no. CVs should be 2 pages at most because more is boring and rambly in reply to anatsuno ->
Tweets for 2012-11-11
- @emilybarkerhalo @TheRevivalTour So, basically, if you were stranded on a desert island @ChuckRagan's pockets would ensure your survival? in reply to emilybarkerhalo ->
- @marshamusic GO MARSHA in reply to marshamusic ->
- @marshamusic YOU ARE AWESOME in reply to marshamusic ->
- @grrlinterrupted omg in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted but they ARE handy for putting the remote on while watching telly in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Leon and Percival! I thought of you when I was watching that yesterday in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @marshamusic YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY in reply to marshamusic ->
- Anyone else totally confuse Sleepless in Seattle with You've Got Mail? ->
- @grrlinterrupted OF COURSE ๐ in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @HollowCrownFans Oh man. I actually had that issue. says August 2012 in reply to HollowCrownFans ->
- Lost in Space is not as bad as I was led to believe in the late 90s ->
- @eoincmacken I've been tempted to do that many many times. Only question is whether my skull is a nice shape underneath in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @RoOkin And this is what E4+1 is for in reply to RoOkin ->
- @petitmew Birmingham water tasted different to the water here. And the water here tastes different to the stuff we put through the filter in reply to petitmew ->
Tweets for 2012-11-10
- @banquetrecords Stuff like this (and an actual physical allergy to my old workplace) is why I jacked in my job and became a student again in reply to banquetrecords ->
- Is it Diwali now? Is that why there are fireworks tonight? ->
- @auntyel Haha I think it must have been on tv in the last year, that's the only place my suspicion could have come from in reply to auntyel ->
- @therichwalters of course! in reply to therichwalters ->
- @emmaprew @CrazyArmBand Invite them round for tea instead…? in reply to emmaprew ->
- @Botanygeek Nooooooooooooooooo in reply to Botanygeek ->
- @gavmr Or it's early Diwali celebrations in reply to gavmr ->
- @emmaprew @CrazyArmBand Baaaaaaaaaaaah. You'll have to go and see them elsewhere! in reply to emmaprew ->
- @marshamusic @mrjimpaterson YES. AWESOME in reply to marshamusic ->
- HAHA OMG. Someone thought my mum was in her early 30s today. ->
- @sebpatrick AND YET, we still have plenty of rubbish people who aren't resigning from stuff. FAIL in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @gavmr Admittedly, I only know that Diwali is imminent from a display in my local supermarket in reply to gavmr ->
- @emmaprew Sneaking suspicion I have something on then – HMM I shall check in reply to emmaprew ->
- @auntyel Do you think the cheese line was one of the crap ones they were talking about at coldcon? in reply to auntyel ->
- @grrlinterrupted I think Maximo Park are there today. Or someone at least. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @auntyel I do want that cheese now. It would be amazing. in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Me too. :/ in reply to auntyel ->
- @kakapojayne O_O in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @eoincmacken So science does come in handy at some point then…? ๐ in reply to eoincmacken ->
Tweets for 2012-11-09
- @mrtonylee Today seems to be a day for people I know from Birmingham coming to my town. Odd. in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @hannoir traditionally chinese food is rather free of dairy, but I say go for it in reply to hannoir ->
- @Hedgeypig pint of milk would be great… in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @mrtonylee …do you not have a suit pressed & ready at all times? What with that being your superhero costume and all? in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @danocdj 5? Woah. in reply to danocdj ->
- @dreaminred @TheRevivalTour …but it is? in reply to dreaminred ->
- @DHLinton roast beeeeeeeeef. yorkshire pudding. THE WORKS. in reply to DHLinton ->
- @grrlinterrupted Charlie steps out of the shower and it was ALL A BAD DREAM in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Watching Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country on @Film4 – the first film I ever saw in a cinema. I was 7 and made my parents take me ->
- Also, it's the Trek film with the best use of Shakepeare. And Christian Slater's in it. And David Bowie's missus. ->
- Which reminds me. Need to track down Klingon-language versions of Shakespeare's plays. ->
- @MadeFromCorpses It is a great film. Possibly one of the greatest everrrr in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @grrlinterrupted Haha. He is the only good thing about the entire series. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @mrtonylee But what's your superpower? Is it being appropriately dapper for every occasion? in reply to mrtonylee ->