Tweets for 2013-05-17
- @drop_of_indigo Follow @grrlinterrupted – you both have a fondness for Ruffalo. And awesome. And stuff. in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @drop_of_indigo IN FACT @grrlinterrupted is my #FF for the week. COS OF AWESOME. in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @grrlinterrupted We should go see Man of Steel. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @sebpatrick WHAT DID THEY DO TO CLARA'S FACE? in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @anatsuno I did shell out a little for the paid version, but it's pay what you like in reply to anatsuno ->
- @grrlinterrupted Whennn, wherrreee, 2D or 3D? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Okies, I has preference for 2D cos of glasses on glasses not always fitting right but can do 3D & yessss @silverturnsgrey in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @sebpatrick I dunno, that's a pretty girly film – it has kickass ladies and Karl Urban being the law with a delightful rear view 😀 in reply to sebpatrick ->
- You know when an album has been recorded that you really want to hear but it's not out yet? That = @JayMalinowski & the Deadcoast's Martel ->
- @tomscott See I liked Nemesis, it had Ron Perlman fighting Riker. in reply to tomscott ->
- @ChuckRaganFacts Chuck made that filter himself out of the growl of a charging bear. in reply to ChuckRaganFacts ->
- @tomscott omg. There's a thing in the DVD extras talking about the fight. It's lol-arious. in reply to tomscott ->
- @wanderlustlover Allie Keys – Babylon 5 in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @nickmurftweets What are the odds that it'll get released before the DVD is out? in reply to nickmurftweets ->
- @grrlinterrupted I KNOW OMG in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted I sat 4 seats away from him one time. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @cleolinda @snacky @miyoung She links to your lj under her youtube video, which is why that site picked it up I guess in reply to cleolinda ->
- @warrenellis There's a few that make vague motions towards that already in existence from that time tumblr when down for a day in reply to warrenellis ->
- @McKelvie I'm just waiting for the day that someone cosplays that. in reply to McKelvie ->