Tweets for 2013-07-11
- So I see hotmail is down. Well. I say down. If you log in elsewhere and then pop into your email it's fine but yes. ->
- @dreaminred Heh you might be the only one then, it's been down for everyone else for about 4 hours now 😀 in reply to dreaminred ->
- @kakapojayne You could do with calling out the Avengers really in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @dreaminred That's probably it. It's kind of weird when stuff like hotmail or gmail go down in reply to dreaminred ->
- @MrKasterborous A friend of mine is going, so I'll be using my ticket now I'm afraid. Good luck with your search though in reply to MrKasterborous ->
- @ashenkey Is it like when you put fake flowers in a bag of sand and shake them a bit to dust them? in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey Do you think he ever does any cleaning? in reply to ashenkey ->
- I like that I can report not working street lights and stuff on the local county council website. It's aweeesome ->
- I've just discovered it deals with potholes as well as streetlights. Yesssssssssssssss ->
- @kakapojayne *refrains from Avengers Assemble punnery* in reply to kakapojayne ->
- RT @Kavey: Edomae set £5.80 bargain of deliciousness! ->
- @grrlinterrupted ->
- Really, how do you realise this happens? ->
- @dontdieseanbean Does one of the Teen Wolf cast members havee to take his shirt off every episode too? in reply to dontdieseanbean ->
- RT @valeriecafe: Anyone around Glasgow central station? We're giving away free cake until 6pm (or until we run out whichever is sooner) ->
- @Hedgeypig something to have somebody's eye out? in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- RT @McKelvie: I would watch the fuck out of a Hayley Atwell/Peggy Carter 40s Marvel spy series. ->
Tweets for 2013-07-10
- @dreaminred yes in reply to dreaminred ->
- @parodyofvirtue They do look kind of like crime bosses on a roadtrip: in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @parodyofvirtue Have you seen Haywire? in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @cjlines You'd have to pick a genre that best represents the eighties first, I guess. Hmm in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines No. 😛 That'd have to include The Specials, Madonna, The Pixies, Japan, Wham, Def Leppard…. in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines Doolittle came out in '89 though right? Technically 80s 😀 in reply to cjlines ->
- @parodyofvirtue What about Gillian Anderson? Scully has to be in everything in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @cjlines Anyway! My nomination in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines There has to be scientific research that has already quantified this in reply to cjlines ->
- Excellent. Going to GP tomorrow since I can't shake off whatever lurgy the relative brought with them last week. ->
- Mum already went earlier in the week since she sounded like she was a 50-a-day smoker with bronchitis ->
- @cjlines Science must ALWAYS be applied. Always. in reply to cjlines ->
- @dreaminred Have you seen Logan's Run? in reply to dreaminred ->
- @dreaminred Soylent Green and Logan's Run? Not seen the 1st in ages & not sure I was paying much attention, but I don't think they're are in reply to dreaminred ->
- @MrKasterborous Well, I think tickets go on proper sale on Monday – I'm a BFI member so I could enter the draw for an early ticket in reply to MrKasterborous ->
- @MrKasterborous But you should be able to get tickets on Monday? in reply to MrKasterborous ->
- @petitmew It's recent that they've been open on Saturdays I think in reply to petitmew ->
Tweets for 2013-07-09
- @grrlinterrupted Hehe it's possible. YOU KNOW, there's a possibility I have it, under the all the awesome Chinese genetics in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @misslilypotkin might be going here but since they don't do dim sum anymore I don't see the point… in reply to misslilypotkin ->
- Yesssss. Martin & Lewis film that I keep meaning to see is on ->
- @damianjohnson Muahahah in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @damianjohnson It's like they've not even looked at thesite in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @grrlinterrupted Heh yeah. The curly hair genes however, are right there IN the Chinese genetics. It's weeird in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted YAY in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted yeah, it might be because my family is a bit Nonya though in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted They're kind of a Chinese sub-group within Malaysia with some mixed-race ancestry in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Yeah, I guess if you were from a more ethnically homogenous country you might get a few surprises in the genes but… in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …because of migration/invasion/etc there's probably little that isn't shared by most people around you in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Do I or do I not want to go to the BFI's August Doctor Who at 50 screening? Hm ->
- @dreaminred well, I've got a ticket reserved in the member's ballot & it'd be £7 in reply to dreaminred ->
- @damianjohnson 😀 in reply to damianjohnson ->
- Mum's just asked me if the bread is still ok. The bread that's in the box she's standing next to while I'm in the garden. ->
- Just got the confirmation email about switching Lovefilm to use Amazon login details. "One less set of log in details to remember" Except no ->
- The only problem with Janetter, is very occassionally it switches to Japanese. :/ ->
- Well. I say it switches to Japanese. It's more that it forgets its settings ->
- @dreaminred You have to know which thing in the menu is "Settings" to switch it back. Luckily, it's in a sensible place in reply to dreaminred ->
- @dreaminred More sensible would be if it didn't forget, but…well. That is the only downside so far in reply to dreaminred ->
- @newloveletter is one chunkier? in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter I am thinking that like… "hearty" soup is chunkier in reply to newloveletter ->
Tweets for 2013-07-08
- @sebpatrick I was pretty much sold on giant robots. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @ashenkey build a book fort! in reply to ashenkey ->
- @kakapojayne Noooo. in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @thelifeof_rose The Titantic thing I went to at the O2 had LOADS of stuff in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @grrlinterrupted Yaay in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @nikki O_o in reply to nikki ->
- Earl Grey and Lemon chocolate omggggggg ->
- @grrlinterrupted ->
- I think the pomegrante and raspberry chocolate was better ->
- @grrlinterrupted Heh I thought you'd like it 😀 in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Reading reviews of Pacific Rim. Realising the amazing fanfic & crossover fanfic potential the Pacific Rim universe has means… ->
- …I actually don't care if it turns out to be an awful film because some fic writer out there will sort it out for me. 😀 ->
- Things that are a bit "uhhh" = relatives that give you money to buy a dress ->
- Things that are "yay" = managing to find something you like & can report back on & it's half price ->
- Things that are also "yay" = spending the rest of the money on a new GPS for yr car 😀 ->
- @AnnLarimer yep. 😀 especially since my old one had smoke erupt from it the other day and now it's dead 😀 in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @AnnLarimer I have a map too, but it's like being in a car with my driving instructor again. Basically, someone else can remember… in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @AnnLarimer …whether it was right or left I wanted to go when I get to the junction. 😀 in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- This is what I got. It also means that I won't be wearing all-black at the next wedding I go to 😀 ->
- Which is what I accidentally did at the last wedding I went to, but managed to get away with it because of blue hair. ->
- I have a vague idea that the bride did tell me not to wear black the last time we saw each other. ->
- @AnnLarimer Hah well, I've only had my license & been able to drive alone for 2 years so it's not yet a problem for me 😀 in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- It was probably something like "Rachel, you cannot wear black at my wedding." and I probably just looked a bit shifty at her ->
- And then conveniently did not answer. The wedding before that one, I had a nice scarf covered in skulls 😀 ->
- Bride definitely did not notice that one even though I spent the 24hrs prior to the wedding with her cos she was stressed out of her mind ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Is there such a thing as no more room for giant robot toys? @damianjohnson in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @peachnixon The hair has never been a problem for me, it's more like the venn of my wedding & funeral outfits is a circle in reply to peachnixon ->
- @nikki It all boils down to my kind of being a bit goth. in reply to nikki ->
- @nikki Heh aces. 😀 I don't think I could have got away with jeans in reply to nikki ->
- Watching DS9 from the beginning. Oh Dr Bashir. ->
- @smartmatt I always liked the Garak/Bashir bromance in reply to smartmatt ->
- @ianloring 😀 in reply to ianloring ->
- Does regular US TV have as many adverts shoved into episodes as the episodes? ->
- @AnnLarimer Yeah, but it makes sense. It's like watch adverts, get delicious delicious Trek in between in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @AnnLarimer It's just a bit weird cos I grew up with Trek having no adverts at all in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @AnnLarimer Heh my mum has Netflix, I have Lovefilm…but only a DVD subscription not streaming in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @AnnLarimer They do! It's not so bad actually, it's like watching TV on holiday in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @AnnLarimer I have discovered that apparently there is insurance available that you can leave someone in your will in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- See, knowing what I know about Bashir, it's kind of weird to see him being so obscenely naive. ->
- @AnnLarimer it might be an army thing? maybe? in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @AnnLarimer I also want to visit this Red Lobster place. Their food looks exciting. ->
- @AnnLarimer The only odd thing is how the advert for Red Lobster is followed by one for laxatives in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @AnnLarimer I know right? in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @parodyofvirtue Andy. in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- Dax's hair is amazingly bouffanty ->
- @sebpatrick The best features of Dublin airport? in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @eruvadhril I would have AVOIDED HIM LIKE HELL if I lived on DS9 right at the beginning in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @eruvadhril THEN I WILL WAIT TILL HE HAS FINISHED COOKING in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @thisisyourfault YAAY in reply to thisisyourfault ->
Tweets for 2013-07-07
- RT @cox_tom: All history is distortion. Maybe the Egyptians didn't worship cats but just liked to share stupid pictures of them, & stuff go… ->
- @ashenkey I misread that as Captain Picard and was momentarily excited 🙁 in reply to ashenkey ->
- Just answered the door in my PJs cos my mum ran off upstairs cos she's…wearing her PJs ->
- Person at the door was dropping off something for her anyway. ->
- "Did you say thank you?" "If you wanted to thank them you shouldn't have run away upstairs." (I did, I'm not THAT uncouth) ->
- @ashenkey Can I incite you to rewrite Star Trek into Darkness with Uhura's POV & so that it doesn't make me hulksmash? in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey Noooo, I'm sure you can just read a few rage posts about it on tumblr and do it better. No need to see it 😀 in reply to ashenkey ->
- @grrlinterrupted There has to be a middle ground though right? Can you hide the majority of your feed so you get less of the sad? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Maybe…only visit facebook on the days when you feel up to handling it then? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- “Echo Beach†by Martha and the Muffins is my new jam. ♫ ->
- "Who's that? Is he the trainer?" "No, that's Boris Becker." "He looks like an old man." ->
- @grrlinterrupted Limiting exposure to the things you have control over like facebook is senseful in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- "He's not young." "Who?" "Murray." "He's younger than me!?!?" ->
- My mum's just realising she doesn't know the rules of tennis ->
- @McKelvie Unsure. My mum seems to be watching something on grass where she's urging one guy to kill the other one. in reply to McKelvie ->
- @rachelgeorge Hah my mum has just said "I don't know these two actors, who are they?" in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- My mum, just now: "SLAUGHTER HIM." ->
- RT @andyffgibbons: Cutest couple ever “@iamalisonperry: Ha! Bradley Cooper and Gerard Butler do a #wimbledonselfie (… ->
- This is pretty much exactly like when my mum watches the World Cup ->
- Mum: "Is that it? Did he win?" ->
- @kakapojayne Is it your back? Or was that a rhetorical question? in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @newloveletter yes 😀 in reply to newloveletter ->
- @auntyel I like the reactions of the dress owner's friend though in reply to auntyel ->
- RT @_Cabble: "With Wimbledon victory, Dr Sam Beckett could finally quantum leap out of Andy Murray's body, "Oh Boy" said Sam, it had been a… ->
- @grrlinterrupted I think I read a regency romance novel with Jasper as the love interest in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @eddyTM I did that (might have been more bottles) over the course of a week to make a vodkamelon for a friend in reply to eddyTM ->
- @grrlinterrupted yeah, it's got posh associations but it made sense because the guy was like a duke or something in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
Tweets for 2013-07-06
- @grrlinterrupted The rudest thing I'll say outloud is "cobblers". 😀 in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @bencrystal Did you miss the Bruce Willis ones? in reply to bencrystal ->
- @piratemoggy …I am expecting a veritable den of erotic fiction iniquity. How close is it to that? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @RonniPudding OMG in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @RonniPudding The Life Aquatic IS AWESOMESAUCE OMGOMGOMG in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @RonniPudding Have you seen The Royal Tenenbaums? in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Scott Pilgrim is on TV right now 😀 in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @RonniPudding O_O in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @grrlinterrupted View only Steve's profile and mine. And my mum's. :D? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Mostly cos… the first two are full of a lack of posting in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @piratemoggy So it's more like a teacup of iniquity? Do they get extra points if they feature were-creatures & superheroes? in reply to piratemoggy ->
Tweets for 2013-07-05
- @kierongillen @JamesHunt @katbrown82 Going outside without breathing apparatus. in reply to kierongillen ->
- @katbrown82 My Dad was the roadie for some guy that ended up in Hawkwind & went out with the singer of Steeleye Span I think. in reply to katbrown82 ->
- RT @tetley_teafolk: Bringing you a quality cuppa the whole year round! Follow & RT #FreeTeaFriday before 5pm to enter the prize draw for a … ->
- @rachelgeorge It also kind of others anyone who isn't white in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- Plague-ridden with cold caught from relatives who've flown in from Hong Kong. Baah ->
- Have managed to halt the constant sneezing for a while with magic. ->
- Do still constantly have about 10% of that "I'm going to sneeze" feeling though :/ ->
- ..just shook the spoon instead of the cough linctus bottle ->
- @wanderlustlover What happened? in reply to wanderlustlover ->
Tweets for 2013-07-04
- @HenryCavillOrg Weeeird. The place they're filming at is 10 mins from my house in reply to HenryCavillOrg ->
- RT @anatsuno: people who care about getting RSS feeds off twitter might care for this entry AND its comments ->
- @katbrown82 Monica Bellucci? in reply to katbrown82 ->
- @cleolinda …romance novel where the heroine is a were-puppy? in reply to cleolinda ->
- RT @chasetastic: I wish I could retweet retweets ->
- Becoming addicted to GeoGuessr ->
- RT @lastfm: Do you use @ThisIsMyJam? We've started publishing the top tracks from our Hype Chart on there. Go follow!… ->
- I just liked "Alkaline Trio – "Clavicle"" on Vimeo: ->
- RT @RCAQuotes: I think I broke a tree in Regents Park when I was at drama school being a monkey because I actually thought I was a tiny lit… ->
- @mstorijo Oh yeah. I wasn't going to see it, but when I heard about that I decided I would actively shun it in reply to mstorijo ->
- RT @TheBatman: 4th of July, time to break out the “Bat Patriot†batsuit. It’s red, white, and blue, then painted all black. ->
Tweets for 2013-07-03
- @serpent_sky Yesssss. For me it's because I have all my RSS feeds aggregated on one blog & don't want duplication there in reply to serpent_sky ->
- RT @wilw: I just deleted the Google Reader bookmark from my browser. I felt like it needed Scotty playing bagpipes to properly say goodbye. ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Public Enemy (1), Elvis Presley (1) & Manic Street Preachers (1) ->
- @bmagnanti …is 8.30am-6.30pm when the young children who are allowed to view clevage watch TV? in reply to bmagnanti ->
- @abhoria That's a bit like how somehow my old firm were supposed to bill more, but with fewer accounts staff to produce invoices in reply to abhoria ->
- @ashenkey My mum does that, but then I can remind her that too loud stuff plays havoc with my tinnitus in reply to ashenkey ->
- @McKelvie Not hayfever but developed similar allergy to old workplace (where I'd worked for 4 yrs)suddenly after hugely stressful life-event in reply to McKelvie ->
- @misslilypotkin …do you even have a car? in reply to misslilypotkin ->
- @misslilypotkin Have you suggested that fasting today could be good for his wellbeing? in reply to misslilypotkin ->
- @rachelgeorge People are constantly baffled when I explain how overcast weather is the best weather in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- @sebpatrick Send it back! Yes! Do you have a wii? That has netflix in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick …you have to pay extra for that? Microsoft = wrongface in reply to sebpatrick ->
- Going to see #MuchAdoUK at @WatfordPalace innnn August? It is August right? ->
- @zombiewes The thing to do, is just…decided that you will never be embarassed again and BRAZEN IT OUT in reply to zombiewes ->
- @grrlinterrupted You've got a thing for all of his body hair basically, right…? 🙂 @in_purdah @CandaceB_ in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @JamesHunt See, the reason we have a Wii set up with all of this is because it's easy enough for my mum to use on her own 😀 @sebpatrick in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @frankturner: (1/2) I covered @theweakerthans song "Plea From A Cat Named Virtute" for a comp. It's for the campaign to save the South B… ->
- RT @frankturner: (2/2) Free to download if you get involved, loads of other bands too. Check it out: Spread the word ->
- @rachelgeorge I am disappointed that it doesn't also have gold-pressed latinum as an option @JamesHunt @danielguntrip in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- RT @Alawston: I have now been listening to this looped hold music for so long that I can hear the underlying structure of the universe. ->
- @HollowCrownFans …he was also in Man of Mode with Tom Hardy. in reply to HollowCrownFans ->
- @snacky OMG DEATHMATCH in reply to snacky ->
- @snacky I also strongly feel that Ben & Jerry's should send you some samples in reply to snacky ->
- @anatsuno Woah. I kind of somehow want to finagle my way onto the tw writing team to permanently kill one of them off for the epic feels in reply to anatsuno ->
- @anatsuno …but like, in a way better way than Tasha Yar in TNG or Ianto in Torchwood or…other people in reply to anatsuno ->
- @drop_of_indigo Do they at least find Monica Bellucci devastatingly attractive? in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @HayleyAtwell …Green Eggs and Ham? in reply to HayleyAtwell ->
- @HollowCrownFans You can still see a recording of it if you go down to the NT archive! in reply to HollowCrownFans ->
- @snacky wear a bib in reply to snacky ->
- @auntyel Janetter – I use the PC version, but it's got an iphone and a google play thingy on the website so… in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel I…only know the PC version. I don't have one of your newfangled telephonic devices 😀 in reply to auntyel ->
- RT @ABrokenGPS: Turn northeast onto some nonexistent cerulean road. You've slipped into a soft dimension. Here we can be lovers, human and … ->
- @nikki …did they know what happens to Electra in the Greek myth? in reply to nikki ->
- RT @anatsuno: “If (they) don’t trust me enough to give me an RSS feed, why should I trust them with my data?†– wonderful post… ->
Tweets for 2013-07-02
- The Pictures – Milkshake (Kelis cover) ->
- Saw Behind the Candelabra. Was confused when the wrong response was used during Mass in one scene ->
- @dreaminred it was a really handy RSS reader. in reply to dreaminred ->
- RT @IncrediblyRich: People who claim sequels are never as good as the original have clearly never seen Grease 2, Sister Act 2 or Liam Hemsw… ->
- @Kavey I was there too! But probably later than you! in reply to Kavey ->
- @zombiewes Yeah I did. I liked how it was edited & stuff and it's very funny in places. in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes If you get embarassed watching sex scenes w/family tho, don't go see it with your mum, uncle and auntie. Luckily I have no shame in reply to zombiewes ->