Tweets for 2013-08-02
- @sebpatrick I'm finding that Statham being the Doctor is possibly the only thing that would get me excited about it now :/ in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @newloveletter I wouldn't mind keeping him around to do DIY and gardening and stuff though. in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter The books were better fanfic 🙁 in reply to newloveletter ->
- I am so excited about @AFI's new album. I've loved them for 15 years and they have never failed my particular … ♫ ->
- @cjlines It's been encroaching over the last couple of years in reply to cjlines ->
- @_Cogs So do I, yet I have none available. Curses. in reply to _Cogs ->
- RT @iancarterKM: Brilliant exchange between a thief and his mum on Herne Bay Gazette Facebook page after we printed his picture. http://t.c… ->
- @cjlines It got up steam when Avengers came out last year – to do with combination of "good"/crowdpleasing/summer films really in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines heh well, it's subjective isn't it? Like… some folks seem to have thought Star Trek into Darkness wasn't a massive disappointment in reply to cjlines ->
- @kakapojayne Woah in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @kakapojayne If you could jump up and down, you'd rattle then? in reply to kakapojayne ->
- Can't stop listening to new @AFI. Don't send help. ->
- @piratemoggy @UKHomeOffice It is *one* method of population control I guess… in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @JamesHunt I'm frequently faced with the dilemma and always end up going for "cheapest by volume" in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @SFXmagazine I am forever disappointed that mentions of Dark Skies are not the old TV show in reply to SFXmagazine ->
- @sebpatrick @cjlines Oh yeah, I know it's an industry term but frequency of use in press has only gone up recently tho hasn't it? in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @auntyel heh. Have fun :d in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Pretty much 😀 in reply to auntyel ->
- @piratemoggy YES. That first one on the Sunday would help me deal with falling in 16 hour fic holes in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @whoami_bs Man from UNCLE is starting filming soon right? Filming… not too far away… hmmm in reply to whoami_bs ->
- @newloveletter write fanfic in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter draw stick figure hockey players taking the ring to Mordor. um in reply to newloveletter ->
- @eoincmacken It's a bit of a departure from regular Western cinema, I guess. in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @whoami_bs Haha only two things stop me: writing my thesis and not wanting to be a total creeper 😀 in reply to whoami_bs ->
- @whoami_bs Addams Family style creepy is cool 😛 in reply to whoami_bs ->
- RT @QuantumPirate: Why the next Dr Who should be an owl. ->
- @whoami_bs Midnight? I thought there was a thing on tv tomorrow? in reply to whoami_bs ->
- @cleolinda I tend to use this one, but it might not work on you :/ in reply to cleolinda ->
- RT @TheMarySue: Toy Story/Pacific Rim crossover? REBLOGGED. ->
- @drop_of_indigo @cleolinda before I was 16, I didn't know any ABBA songs. Then I spent 2 weeks on a cruise ship with a weekly ABBA night in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @cleolinda If you cycle through earworms rapidly enough, will your brain start to generate brand new ones spontaneously? in reply to cleolinda ->
- @Jook …you know, the new Doctor should be the Sugababes in reply to Jook ->
- @drop_of_indigo I basically went into the sing-a-long version of Mamma Mia at the cinema knowing all the words already :/ @cleolinda in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @Legendary Any tips on where I could get that @pacificrim t-shirt in the UK? in reply to Legendary ->
- Mum's just found a school photo where, as usual, I look a bit untidy. In fairness, I never knew when they were being taken. ->
- @ashenkey because I have remembered that Man from UNCLE is going to be filmed near where I live? Or uh… KITTENS. YES. KITTENS in reply to ashenkey ->
- You would think she would have known or there'd be a letter or something sent home. Kind of hilarious ->
- @ashenkey Uhhh did the flux capacitors get reversed and that woke you up? in reply to ashenkey ->
- @kipoti STEWART LEE in reply to kipoti ->
- @whoami_bs Some minor research has turned up the fact that Man from Uncle's filming will be based 10 minutes from where I am right now. in reply to whoami_bs ->
- @whoami_bs I…am starting to think it's Sunday evening in reply to whoami_bs ->
- @whoami_bs Haha no, I live 10 minutes away from Leavesden Studio not even telephoto will get through walls 😛 in reply to whoami_bs ->
- @whoami_bs Or… a Hogwarts uniform. It's the same place as the HP Studio Tour in reply to whoami_bs ->
- @drop_of_indigo That's my tactic when being a fantastic daughter. in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- RT @donni: Slowly, Waldo's wife and Mr. Sandiego started putting the pieces together ->
- @whoami_bs Now? Hah it's not filming till September. You've got time to get over here yourself 😛 in reply to whoami_bs ->
- @whoami_bs How long does it take to row across the Atlantic? Related: How are you with boats? in reply to whoami_bs ->
- @drop_of_indigo I think I got lucky with a mum who likes the ultraviolence. in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- RT @kumailn: Twitter should rename "Who to Follow" to "People You've Actively Avoided Following Since You Joined Twitter." ->
- @katin_crawford That's one of the things I liked about Pacific Rim in reply to katin_crawford ->
- @frankturner I am waiting for the day when you do a Klingon tour video. in reply to frankturner ->
- @magpiewhale I think I would be fine being the tall one if I was at least 6inches taller than I am. in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale Mostly because at least I'd be able to get things from high shelves for myself then in reply to magpiewhale ->