Tweets for 2013-08-03
- @grrlinterrupted I sadface the most when I realise something has stuff like that, but has been betaed :/ in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @magpiewhale I feel bad for my tall friends because I'm sure they must get neck issues talking to us shorter folk :/ in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale The weird thing for me is being short here, but visiting family in Malaysia and being one of the tall ones in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @KirstieBayb_ That's like Inception #COLD in reply to KirstieBayb_ ->
- This Catbus is kind of sinister ->
- RT @budgie: Great read. RT @hayleycampbelly: G'morning. Are you about to google yourself? Me too. ->
- I quite like how googling myself only has my linkedin profile on the first page. ->
- The other good thing is how in image search, more photos of Dave Hause show up than photos of me ->
- RT @HungerMagazine: The #depressedcakes pop-up shop project tackles mental health issues with lemon meringue pie & custard creams http://t.… ->
- RT @Horseyfuture: Taurus: Today, while relaxing and looking at clouds, you will finally realise the horrifying truth about paperclips http:… ->
- @Horseyfuture I KNEW IT in reply to Horseyfuture ->
- @Horseyfuture I see you trying your hypnotoad-face on me. I SEE IT in reply to Horseyfuture ->
- @grrlinterrupted Did you at least get your hangover while out living it up in London and bumping into Superman? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @ChrissieM I want one too in reply to ChrissieM ->
- @Horseyfuture >.< in reply to Horseyfuture ->
- @_Cogs well, they're clearly not handy in a fight. in reply to _Cogs ->
- @_Cogs I am trying to resist saying you handed that to me on a plate….but… in reply to _Cogs ->
- Just looked out the window and spotted that it's both raining and there's washing on the line. ->
- Me: "It's raining." Mum: "You let it rain!" Me: "I'm still not Storm from the X-Men, unless there's something you're not telling me." ->
- I should point out that when I was little, my mum used to tell me that my real parents were Joan Collins and the milkman. ->
- @edgarwright Glad that it's not the Round the Twist theme tune? in reply to edgarwright ->
- Unexpected dilemma of trying to decide whether I liked Quartet or Only God Forgives more ->
- @DeathBoy Twitter has ads? in reply to DeathBoy ->
- RT @NeinQuarterly: A gentle reminder that weekends were made for radical aesthetic experimentation. And booze. ->
- RT @kipoti: This is why I've been shouting at comedians that theyre gonna die @Herring1967 ->
- @Jook This week you've mostly been listening to artists with names beginning with the letter S ? in reply to Jook ->
- @HenryCavillOrg The exciting yet frustrating part is that they're filming 10 mins from my home but inside the WB studios so no having a look in reply to HenryCavillOrg ->
- @mishacollins They're going to reboot Superman again but have him land on an English farm instead of in Kansas? in reply to mishacollins ->
- @newloveletter "I find them incredibly alluring" ? in reply to newloveletter ->
- finally getting to see much ado after having to miss it & the wheadon q&a back in june ->
- older lady in front has a copy of the play and a torch! ->
- @RonniPudding hah no it was alright, she didn't crack it open during the film in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @teh_nos what if, right, what if Prince George is the new Doctor? in reply to teh_nos ->
- @dreaminred I was having trouble uploading photos earlier too :/ in reply to dreaminred ->
- @sebpatrick I had Star Trek to thank for that one in reply to sebpatrick ->